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Old 02-27-2017, 07:04 AM
sinanksu sinanksu is offline
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videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header


I want to receive publications at But I could not do it. I'm getting the "ss" error. Also, do I have a chance to play with JWPlayer without downloading this broadcast?

Live list: //

C:\r\r>rtmpdump -r rtmpe:// -a "xlive" -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -W "" -p " Rkb2dxZw%E2%84%96f%E2%84%96f%20" -C S:client -C S: -C S:tr --live -y "raw:450995&vi:450995" -o "2015-10-12_03-22-43_raw_sl1_66044.flv"
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
I unzipped the SWF file and found them.
this.hosts = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];

this.proto = Main.CLIENT != 12 ? "rtmpe" : "rtmfp";

ports = 1935 || 443

uriReg:RegExp=new RegExp("^(rtmfp|rtmp|rtmpe)://(.+?)/(.+?)$", "i");





params = cn=geo & vi= videoid
connect(this.proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + this.appName + this.getAppParams(), "client", Main.VERSION, Main.SiteLanguage, {"disAllowScriptAccess":!this.main.allowScriptAcce ss});


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Old 02-27-2017, 09:17 AM
xethubao xethubao is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

dịch vá»? chuyá»?n nh?* trá»?n g??i, l?* dịch vá»? nhanh gá»?n nhá??t cho c??c gia Ä‘?¬nh
20160121 150016[1]
Chuyá»?n nh?* trá»?n g??i Quy định chức nÄ?ng, nhiệm vá»?, tổ chức bá»™ m??y, mối quan hệ c?´ng t??c Tr?°á»?ng Ä??*o tá??o c??n bá»™ L?? Hồng Phong TP H?* Ná»™i

Chuyá»?n nh?* trá»?n g??i
Theo Ä‘??, Tr?°á»?ng Ä??*o tá??o c??n bá»™ L?? Hồng Phong th?*nh phố H?* Ná»™i l?* Ä‘??n vị sá»± nghiệp trá»±c thuá»™c Th?*nh ủy v?* UBND TP H?* Ná»™i, Ä‘á?·t d?°á»›i sá»± l??nh Ä‘á??o trá»±c tiá??p v?* th?°á»?ng xuy??n của Ban Th?°á»?ng vá»? Th?*nh ủy. Tr?°á»?ng Ä??*o tá??o c??n bá»™ L?? Hồng Phong th?*nh phố H?* Ná»™i c?? chức nÄ?ng tổ chức Ä‘?*o tá??o, bồi d?°á»?ng c??n bá»™ l??nh Ä‘á??o, quá??n l?? của hệ thống ch?*nh trị cá??p c?? sá»?, c??n bá»™, c?´ng chức á»? địa ph?°??ng vá»? l?? luá?*n ch?*nh trị - h?*nh ch?*nh; Ä‘?°á»?ng lối, c??c nghị quyá??t, chỉ thị của Ä?á??ng, chỉnh s??ch v?* ph??p luá?*t của Nh?* n?°á»›c; kiá??n thức v?* chuy??n m?´n, nghiệp vá»? vá»? c?´ng t??c x??y dá»±ng Ä?á??ng, ch?*nh quyá»?n, Má?·t trá?*n Tổ quốc v?* c??c tổ chức ch?*nh trị - x?? há»™i; kiá??n thức vá»? ph??p luá?*t v?* quá??n l?? nh?* n?°á»›c v?* má»™t số lÄ©nh vá»±c kh??c.
Tr?°á»?ng c?? nhiệm vá»?: Ä??*o tá??o, bồi d?°á»?ng c??n bá»™ l??nh Ä‘á??o, quá??n l?? của Ä?á??ng, ch?*nh quyá»?n, Má?·t trá?*n Tổ quốc, c??c tổ chức ch?*nh trị - x?? há»™i cá??p c?? sá»? (x??, ph?°á»?ng, thị trá??n v?* c??c Ä‘??n vị t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng); Tr?°á»?ng, ph?? ph??ng, ban, ng?*nh, tổ chức ch?*nh trị - x?? há»™i cá??p huyện v?* t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng; c??n bá»™ dá»± nguồn c??c chức danh tr??n; c??n bá»™, c?´ng chức cá??p c?? sá»? v?* má»™t số đối t?°á»?ng kh??c vá»? chủ nghÄ©a M??c- L??nin, t?° t?°á»?ng Hồ Ch?* Minh; vá»? Ä‘?°á»?ng lối của Ä?á??ng, ch?*nh s??ch v?* ph??p luá?*t của Nh?* n?°á»›c; vá»? nghị quyá??t, chỉ thị của Ä?á??ng v?* Nh?* n?°á»›c v?* má»™t số lÄ©nh vá»±c kh??c.
Ä??*o tá??o trung cá??p l?? luá?*n ch?*nh trị - h?*nh ch?*nh cho c??n bá»™ l??nh Ä‘á??o quá??n l?? của hệ thống ch?*nh trị cá??p c?? sá»?; c??n bá»™, c?´ng chức, vi??n chức á»? địa ph?°??ng. Bồi d?°á»?ng, cá?*p nhá?*t kiá??n thức, ká»? nÄ?ng l??nh Ä‘á??o, chuy??n m?´n, nghiệp vá»? cho c??c chức danh c??n bá»™ l??nh Ä‘á??o, quá??n l??; c??n bá»™ chuy??n m?´n, nghiệp vá»? của c??c tổ chức Ä‘á??ng, ch?*nh quvá»?n, tổ chức ch?*nh trị - x?? há»™i cá??p c?? sá»?. Bồi d?°á»?ng, cá?*p nhá?*t kiá??n thức cho Ä‘á??i biá»?u há»™i đồng nh??n d??n cá??p x??, cá??p huyện. Ä??*o tá??o tiá»?n c?´ng vá»? đối vá»›i c?´ng chức dá»± bị; bồi d?°á»?ng chuy??n vi??n v?* c??c chức danh t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng.
Tổ chức nghi??n cứu khoa há»?c phá»?c vá»? giá??ng dá??y, há»?c tá?*p v?* tổng ká??t kinh nghiệm thá»±c tiá»…n á»? địa ph?°??ng, c?? sá»?. Tổ chức bi??n soá??n t?*i liệu bồi d?°á»?ng theo ti??u chuá?©n ngá??ch c??n sá»± v?* t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng, ngá??ch chuy??n vi??n v?* t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng, ngá??ch chuy??n vi??n ch?*nh v?* t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng, t?*i liệu Ä‘?*o tá??o, bồi d?°á»?ng theo ti??u chuá?©n chức vá»? l??nh Ä‘á??o, quá??n l?? cá??p ph??ng theo ch?°??ng tr?¬nh do Bá»™ Ná»™i vá»? ban h?*nh; phối há»?p vá»›i c??c Bá»™, c?? quan ngang Bá»™, c?? quan thuá»™c Ch?*nh phủ bi??n soá??n t?*i liệu bồi d?°á»?ng kiá??n thức, ká»? nÄ?ng chuy??n ng?*nh. Má»? c??c lá»›p Ä‘?*o tá??o, bồi d?°á»?ng ngo?*i c??c đối t?°á»?ng Ä‘?? n??u tr??n v?* thá»±c hiện c??c nhiệm vá»? kh??c theo chỉ Ä‘á??o của Th?*nh ủy, UBND th?*nh phố.
Phối há»?p vá»›i Ban Tuy??n gi??o Th?*nh ủy H?* Ná»™i h?°á»›ng dá?«n v?* bồi d?°á»?ng nghiệp vá»?, ph?°??ng ph??p giá??ng dá??y cho Ä‘á»™i ng?© giá??ng vi??n của c??c trung t??m bồi d?°á»?ng ch?*nh trị cá??p huyện.
Tr?°á»?ng Ä??*o tá??o c??n bá»™ L?? Hồng Phong th?*nh phố H?* Ná»™i c?? Hiệu tr?°á»?ng v?* kh?´ng qu?? 4 Ph?? Hiệu tr?°á»?ng; c?? 4 khoa v?* 3 ph??ng
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Old 02-27-2017, 12:47 PM
mckv mckv is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

librtmp failed to correctly calculate the hash of that swf file due to lzma compression so you need add it manually
--swfhash=5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6a932643554ccbb4 --swfsize=585534
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> .\RABCDAsm_v1.18\swfdecompress.exe .\VideoPlayer.swf
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> $fileBytes = [io.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\Users\vm\Downloads\VideoPlayer.swf")
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> $secret = 'Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001'
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> $hmacsha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> $hmacsha.key = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($secret)
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> $signature = $hmacsha.ComputeHash($fileBytes)
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> -join ($signature | % {"{0:x2}" -f $_})
PS C:\Users\vm\Downloads> ls .\VideoPlayer.swf

    Directory: C:\Users\vm\Downloads

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       27.02.2017     19:40         585534 VideoPlayer.swf
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Old 02-27-2017, 02:21 PM
sinanksu sinanksu is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

@mckv Thank you for your answer.

I tried the following. He was connected with success but he made another mistake. It only downloaded 4 seconds of video. Then he made a mistake again. You can see the error in the following quote.

C:\r\r>rtmpdump -r rtmpe:// -a "xlive" -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -W "" -p " Rkb2dxZw%E2%84%96f%E2%84%96f%20" -C S:client -C S: -C S:tr --live -y "raw:451466" -swfhash=5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a 8bd02d6a932643554ccbb4 -swfsize=585534 -o "2015-10-12_03-22-43_raw_sl1_451466.flv"

RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL

ERROR: RTMP_HashSWF: couldn't contact swfurl wfsize=585534 (HTTP error -1)

Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: HandleCtrl: Ignoring SWFVerification request, use --swfVfy!

ERROR: rtmp server sent error

Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 480.00
INFO: height 270.00
595.646 kB / 4.27 sec

ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header

614.689 kB / 4.59 sec
Download complete
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Old 03-03-2017, 03:11 AM
Denn1s Denn1s is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

I'm not home, anyway you should not use -W cause it calculates the hash that you are forcing later. Try -s instead. Let me know if you already fixed... i regularly use that site with rtmpdump and it works fine once that you have found the right size.
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Old 03-03-2017, 03:33 AM
sinanksu sinanksu is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

Originally Posted by Denn1s View Post
I'm not home, anyway you should not use -W cause it calculates the hash that you are forcing later. Try -s instead. Let me know if you already fixed... i regularly use that site with rtmpdump and it works fine once that you have found the right size.
Hi Denn1s,

Thank you for your reply.

I still can not do and I do research. Forum is nice but people who know are not much online. There is also a bot that posts a spam message.

I changed the part with -W to -s. But it did not happen again. He took 4 seconds and stopped.

C:\r\r>rtmpdump -v -r rtmpe:// -a "xlive/" -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -s "" -p " Rkb2dxZw%E2%84%96f%E2%84%96f%20" -C S:client -C S: -C S:tr --live -y "raw:456718" -swfhash=5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6a932643554ccbb4 -swfsize=585534 -o "2015-10-12_03-22-43_raw_sl1_451466.flv"
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: HandleCtrl: Ignoring SWFVerification request, use --swfVfy!
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   presetname              Custom
INFO:   creationdate            Fri Mar 03 11:50:57 2017
INFO:   videodevice             VirtualWebCam_01
INFO:   framerate               30.00
INFO:   width                   848.00
INFO:   height                  476.00
INFO:   videocodecid            avc1
INFO:   videodatarate           800.00
INFO:   avclevel                31.00
INFO:   avcprofile              77.00
INFO:   videokeyframe_frequency 1.00
INFO:   audiodevice             Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)
INFO:   audiosamplerate         44100.00
INFO:   audiochannels           2.00
INFO:   audioinputvolume        100.00
INFO:   audiocodecid            .mp3
INFO:   audiodatarate           128.00
804.734 kB / 4.32 sec
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
812.042 kB / 4.35 sec
Download complete
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Old 03-03-2017, 04:20 AM
Denn1s Denn1s is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

Ok, try to do something like this

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "xlive" -f "WIN 23,0,0,162" -s "" -w "5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6 a932643554ccbb4" -x "585534" -p "" -C S:client -C S: -C S:en --live -y "raw:451526" -o "2017blablabla.flv"

Sportstream365 is the original site, videostream take the streams from there.
basically you just need to change the value near "game=" and the value near "raw:" related to what you are seeing. Both values are in the page of the match. Game is in the title page and Raw is under on the left. It works 100%.
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Old 03-03-2017, 04:49 AM
sinanksu sinanksu is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

This is crazy. I can not do this in two weeks.

Thank you so much. Thank you. You're an expert boss.

But I want to ask you one more thing. Can I play this live broadcast with JWPlayer? Can I play Yada with another flash player? Or can I play this broadcast on a flash player by pulling it with a php-like language.

How can I show this in the browser.

I tried it, it did not work.

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
    'width': '100%',
    'height': '100%',
//primary: 'flash',
autostart: true,
autoplay: true,
type: 'rtmp',
streamer: 'rtmpe:// playPath=raw:456914 conn=S:client conn=S: conn=S:en conn=S:client conn=S: conn=S:tr swfhash=5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6a932643554ccbb4 swfsize=585534 swfVfy= pageUrl= flashver=WIN 23,0,0,162 timeout=15 live=true',
file: 'raw:456914',


Originally Posted by Denn1s View Post
Ok, try to do something like this

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "xlive" -f "WIN 23,0,0,162" -s "" -w "5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6 a932643554ccbb4" -x "585534" -p "" -C S:client -C S: -C S:en --live -y "raw:451526" -o "2017blablabla.flv"

Sportstream365 is the original site, videostream take the streams from there.
basically you just need to change the value near "game=" and the value near "raw:" related to what you are seeing. Both values are in the page of the match. Game is in the title page and Raw is under on the left. It works 100%.
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Old 03-03-2017, 04:58 AM
Denn1s Denn1s is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

I can't answer about that, not expert about it, sorry
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Old 03-03-2017, 05:03 AM
sinanksu sinanksu is offline
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Re: videostream.dn - failed to read RTMP packet header

I thank you again for the ride. You're a professor in RTMP.

Originally Posted by Denn1s View Post
I can't answer about that, not expert about it, sorry
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