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Old 03-11-2009, 10:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Hi there.
I am putting together a website that I need to stream/play many 5 min 30 sec videos. I want them to be easy for people to play, so people don't waste time waiting for them to load, etc. I am totally new to this so have no idea what I am doing! Any advice, whether it is cheap or may cost me money would be much appreciated!

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Old 03-11-2009, 11:40 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

If you don't expect too many visitors on your web-site, you may install free stream broadcasting server software like red5. You may also use commercial server software like Flash Media Services,... Just make sure that your web-server(s) doesn't experience any overload and that your hosting provider allows to use as much traffic and server load as you need or more.

When you have a really large audience instead of your own servers you may use a Content delivery network (CDN).

There are lots of scripts of YouTube clones that you may use. If you need a custom web-site to be developed, you can always outsource your project via a freelance marketplace. They allows you to hire professionals from the U.S., Canada, India, Russia,.... And you can always select a person or a web-design company that possesses the skills you need. When choosing a freelancer you can rely on the feedback of other buyers of the marketplace. You should also evaluate his/her resume and/or portfolio.
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Old 03-12-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Thanks a lot for replying. Initially obviously there won't be many visitors, but over time I hope it will genereate more and more members.
As you have probably gathered, this technical side is not my strong point. When you say there are scripts of utube clones I could use, could you give a couple of names? Is there any way on utube or one of its clones to stream the videos through them but set some sort of privacy settings so they can't all be viewed by anyone?
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Old 03-12-2009, 11:51 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

I haven't used any youtube clones and I haven't seen their code, so I can't recommend any of them to you. You can see their demo versions, read reviews, but most of the time it is just like buying a black box anyway Besides all these products might not satisfy your needs (or may have features that you don't need, but eat the resources of your server).

The best way to restrict media usage is probably by using DRM (Digital Rights Management). If you choose this way, then Windows Media will be a good solution. However most web-sites prefer to offer flash videos. One of the reasons for that is that Windows Media DRM is limited to Windows only.

Some membership web-sites just use simple authentication and timestamp URLs. Such URLs expire shortly so there is very little opportunity for them for being watched by non legitimate users.
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Old 04-01-2009, 06:44 AM
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

I am streaming live events on a website. I want to tell you that is not very difficult and you don't need to know scripting. All you need is a computer, a video source as webcam or video camera and a broadcasting software. I am using one and I can stream thousands of channels at the same time.
Also now I m doing HD (high definition) streaming. I can show you some demos if you are interested.
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Old 04-01-2009, 12:16 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Originally Posted by cata123 View Post
I am streaming live events on a website. I want to tell you that is not very difficult and you don't need to know scripting. All you need is a computer, a video source as webcam or video camera and a broadcasting software. I am using one and I can stream thousands of channels at the same time.
Also now I m doing HD (high definition) streaming. I can show you some demos if you are interested.
Can you share a tutorial how to do live (HD) broadcasting? Or can you at least provide more details on the video cameras and streaming software that can be used?
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Old 04-03-2009, 09:39 AM
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Hello I want to update you with some information about how to broadcast live events on the Internet.

You will need a computer with a video source as webcam or video camera, a broadcasting software and a website.

I am using a video camera HD compliable from Canon which is Vixia HF 10 and I can tell that the video quality is very high

As a software I am using from the company I work for.. The thing is simple - I downloaded the broadcaster from the webpage, set up my video camera as video source and from my account I embed the webplayer's code into my webpage.
It's a matter of minutes
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Old 04-03-2009, 11:48 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

When you want to broadcast a wedding live, do you need your video camera to be attached to a laptop all the time? Do you know whether there is any other solution for that?

As for blinkotv, does it allow you to show live stream not to everyone, but to select users only?
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Old 04-06-2009, 05:27 AM
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Yes you will need a computer connected to the camera all the time in order to have the live broadcast on the website at the same time.

Blinko, a solution from the company I work for, can be integrated very easy into your website and if you want to show the wedding to your friends only you can set a password on the website. They will login with the username and password provided by you and be able to see the broadcasting.
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Old 10-05-2010, 01:48 PM
amenia amenia is offline
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Re: Video streaming on my website: Need an easy to use solution, free or cheap

Hey rpb201, the easiest solution I used is, you can make audio/video streaming (live or not), it’s free for the first 10GB and it’s very easy to implement.
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