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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Streaming media recording forum > Screen video capture software
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Old 04-23-2010, 09:44 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

VH Screen Capture Driver

VH Screen Capture Driver is a DirectShow filter which emulates Video Capture card and captures screen activity.

VH Screen Capture Driver is designed to be highly compatible with DirectShow capture software and is optimized to provide the best possible performance with any DirectShow-based applications. VH Screen Capture Driver is able to keep aspect ratio during resize, and follow mouse pointer when output size is less than capture area. It a good solution to broadcast screen content through network (internet).

Main features of VH Screen Capture Driver:
* follow mouse pointer
* Skype support
* multimonitor support
* fast and highly optimized capture from screen
* real-time scaling (resizing) of captured images
* keep aspect ratio during resize
* control for output video dimensions
* auto selection for best optimization method
* interactive window or region selection
* realtime window position indentification
* manual region setup
* align video dimensions for non aligned capture regions
* fill non-visible parts with border color
* framerate control
* capture mouse movements and shows mouse clicks
* supports URL for source (VHScrCap://)
* full Flash and Windows Media Player support
* XML settings loading
* multi-instance support
* controlling and connection to any VHScrCap instance (for applications which cannot show capture filter's properties)
* new API (ver. 2 and later), supports C++, C#, Java, Delphi, etc.
* includes free VH Screen Codec (optimized to compress screen activity)
* free for private use

System requirements:

* Microsoft Windows 98 (or later), Windows 2000 (or later), Windows Vista , Windows 7
* DirectX 8 (or later)
* Pentium II-compatible, AMD-compatible, 600MHz or better CPU
* 32 Mb of RAM
* 2 Mb of HDD free space for installation
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