Hi beizom.
Thanks for all the earlier help.
I was recording "http://www.ustream.tv/channel/eQ2cPQkY78j" stream using this method but i could only record the 240p version. I know the stream is 720p for sure because IDM detects fragments of few second and when i download them they are in 720p.
Here is the error i get:
[plugin.ustreamtv][error] Unable to fetch desktop streams: Unable to validate re
sult: Unable to validate key 'stream': Unable to validate result: Unable to vali
date key 'streams': Unable to validate result: Type of ScriptDataReference(refer
ence=7) should be 'dict' but is 'ScriptDataReference' or Type of ScriptDataRefer
ence(reference=7) should be 'list' but is 'ScriptDataReference' or [ScriptDataOb
ject([(u'name', u'uhs_tcdn'), (u'url', u'http://uhs-live-default.ustream.tv/sjc-
uhs15/streams/httpflv/ustreamVideo/21726942/'), (u'streams', [ScriptDataObject([
(u'chunkTime', 5000.0), (u'offsetInMs', 6474.0), (u'chunkRange', ScriptDataObjec
t([(u'1451421891', u'577771703'), (u'1451421881', u'1550076218')])), (u'offset',
418471.0), (u'width', 1280.0), (u'bitrate', 2463.0), (u'counter', -1.0), (u'str
eamName', u'streams/live_1_%_%.flv'), (u'chunkId', 1451421888.0), (u'videoCodec'
, u'H264'), (u'height', 720.0)])])]), ScriptDataObject([(u'name', u'uhs_akamai')
, (u'varnishUrl', u'http://uhs-akamai.ustream.tv/sjc/sjc-uhs15/streams/httpflv/u
streamVideo/21726942/'), (u'url', u'http://uhs-akamai.ustream.tv/sjc/sjc-uhs15/s
treams/httpflv/ustreamVideo/21726942/'), (u'streams', ScriptDataReference(refere
nce=7))])] does not equal 'offline'
Thanks again.