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Old 08-23-2012, 08:01 PM
Anywho Anywho is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by garfunkel View Post
Hey guys,

In case anyone is interested. I have written an ABC iView app which is implemented as a FUSE driver. This means that if you are running Linux you can 'mount' iview so that it appears on your computer as just another drive/folder. You can browse for shows using your file browser and then click on a show to watch it through your favourite media player. You can also download a show if you want just by dragging and dropping the show you want into another folder. As far as your computer knows, iView is like a USB flash drive.

The program is here:

The program has very few dependencies. Just three, and if you running most modern desktop distributions they will be in your repositories. The dependenies are FUSE, jannson (json library) and libxml2 (xml library).

Note: To program this I mainly used LLVM Clang, but many of you are using GCC. The program compiles perfectly under GCC. You can do this by changing 'clang' to 'gcc' in the makefile. If you still have issues compiling the code it could be because you have an older version of your build utils than mine. That's OK too, just change the -std=c11 to -std=c99.

The program is implemented in C and uses librtmp and doesn't call rtmpdump so this should help to avoid several issues people have been having with these types of apps.

Have fun!
Hi, and welcome! Nice to see a new face on the horizon.

Bizarre, but interesting idea you have there. Wow, way to think outside of the box!

WP scrapped your thread in the Linux forum - probably because of the so-called "ABC doesn't authorize or support downloading iView programs in any way" sentence in ABC's FAQ pages. Pretty sure YouTube has a similar clause, but I never see those threads canned there

Anyway, nice to see you here. Hope your stay is enjoyable
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Old 09-22-2012, 09:26 PM
drbmn drbmn is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders


Is iviewfox no longer being developed? Is there an archive of the add on somewhere?

Stil works on my older PC, but went to install it on my new PC and got a shock as I couldn't find it.
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Old 09-23-2012, 02:28 AM
blood.eaglz blood.eaglz is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Unless we here from Yansky we can't be sure, but there is the possibility that he's been hit the same legal firewall that got Python-iview killed (insofar as you can kill anything released on the web). As to getting a copy you can use FEBE to repackage iviewfox on your old pc into an installable xpi file you can copy to your new pc, open the xpi file with Firefox and viola.
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Old 09-27-2012, 08:24 AM
alan black alan black is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Hi this is a rather ingenious solution.

I've done my dependency chasing and compiled this, i can mount iView and browse but as soon as i try and copy or open it fails. I get the fuser favorite: "Transport endpoint is not connected" and running with debugging on i get:

unique: 59, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 2, insize: 76
LOOKUP /Gruen Planet Series 2/Gruen Planet Series 2 Episode 6.mp4
getattr /Gruen Planet Series 2/Gruen Planet Series 2 Episode 6.mp4
unique: 59, success, outsize: 144
unique: 60, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 3, insize: 48
open flags: 0x8000 /Gruen Planet Series 2/Gruen Planet Series 2 Episode 6.mp4
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close
open[30451600] flags: 0x8000 /Gruen Planet Series 2/Gruen Planet Series 2 Episode 6.mp4
unique: 60, success, outsize: 32
unique: 61, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 3, insize: 80
read[30451600] 65536 bytes from 0 flags: 0x8000
Segmentation fault

sorry to dump like this in here, any help appreciated.

alan black

PS: I'm running with just ./auntie iView/

Originally Posted by garfunkel View Post
Hey guys,

In case anyone is interested. I have written an ABC iView app which is implemented as a FUSE driver. This means that if you are running Linux you can 'mount' iview so that it appears on your computer as just another drive/folder. You can browse for shows using your file browser and then click on a show to watch it through your favourite media player. You can also download a show if you want just by dragging and dropping the show you want into another folder. As far as your computer knows, iView is like a USB flash drive.

The program is here:

The program has very few dependencies. Just three, and if you running most modern desktop distributions they will be in your repositories. The dependenies are FUSE, jannson (json library) and libxml2 (xml library).

Note: To program this I mainly used LLVM Clang, but many of you are using GCC. The program compiles perfectly under GCC. You can do this by changing 'clang' to 'gcc' in the makefile. If you still have issues compiling the code it could be because you have an older version of your build utils than mine. That's OK too, just change the -std=c11 to -std=c99.

The program is implemented in C and uses librtmp and doesn't call rtmpdump so this should help to avoid several issues people have been having with these types of apps.

Have fun!
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Old 10-13-2012, 04:25 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

problem with 'Artscape Episode 9 Bryan Ferry' - can't get to the Artscape series, no image, no episode list
(SBSNapper, batch downloader - Windows)

The iView Player has no problems.

Anyone able to download this show?
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Old 10-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Anywho Anywho is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
problem with 'Artscape Episode 9 Bryan Ferry' - can't get to the Artscape series, no image, no episode list
(SBSNapper, batch downloader - Windows)

The iView Player has no problems.

Anyone able to download this show?
LOL! Well, SBSNapper would definitely have a problem

As for the Batch Downloader, it looks like they're getting the address info from somewhere else... The address that is in the menu list is correct as the actual webpage:


shows "[]" too.

Might be that time of the year again... You know, the programmers justifying their existence, budget, etc.
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Old 10-13-2012, 10:34 PM
blood.eaglz blood.eaglz is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

My Guess is they are starting to mesh the ABC player with iview. Rather than have the same content in 2 places they just get iview to call on the ABC players copy, may be the first step into a fully integrated iview.

This is based on a quick look at the ep while trying to get some meaningful urls from urlsnooper, video appears to be a step down in quality (ABC player goes up to 400kbps bitrate while iview is 600kbps)
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Old 10-14-2012, 05:46 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by Anywho View Post
LOL! Well, SBSNapper would definitely have a problem

As for the Batch Downloader, it looks like they're getting the address info from somewhere else... The address that is in the menu list is correct as the actual webpage:


shows "[]" too.

Might be that time of the year again... You know, the programmers justifying their existence, budget, etc.
It's an odd one, since everything else I have looked at is OK.

SBSNapper - SBS On Demand has been a right PITA for a while, must have been on my mind..
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Old 10-17-2012, 05:28 PM
barywhite barywhite is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
problem with 'Artscape Episode 9 Bryan Ferry' - can't get to the Artscape series, no image, no episode list
(SBSNapper, batch downloader - Windows)

The iView Player has no problems.

Anyone able to download this show?
Nope... iviewNapper throws an exception and the batchfile shows no episodes for that program.

The batchfile (v15.85) has stopped downloading in the last week or so for everything I've tried. RTMPDump looks like it's trying the wrong URL:

Downloading from Akamai server...

Retrieving Token...
RTMPDump v2.4 (110812)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
kids/youngdracula_01_07.mp4 path not found. Retrying a different path...

Retrieving Token...
Resuming previous download for "Young Dracula - Young Dracula Episode 7"...
RTMPDump v2.4 (110812)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
/youngdracula_01_07.mp4 path not found. Retrying a different path...

Retrieving Token...
Resuming previous download for "Young Dracula - Young Dracula Episode 7"...
RTMPDump v2.4 (110812)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
kids/youngdracula_01_07.mp4 path not found. Retrying a different path...

The show "Young Dracula - Young Dracula Episode 7" was not found on the server.

Press any key to continue . . .
iViewNapper still works ok though (except for artscape... )

Is v15.85 the latest batch version? I can't find a later one. I really like being able to queue stuff with the batch file and leave it to do its thing.
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Old 10-17-2012, 05:42 PM
servalan servalan is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

I'm still using 15.84 & it's working fine for everything apart from Artscape.

Young Dracula d/ls ok.
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