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Old 01-29-2010, 01:25 AM
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Unbiased iPad review: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Want to buy an iPad? Make sure to learn more about it!

Disadvantages of Apple iPad
  • Flash is not supported, so you won't be able to watch most online videos or play online games.
    I agree that Flash is not stable in Mac, Linux and it needs lots of resources, so HTML 5 should be used instead...
  • No USB support. You can't connect your a PC keyboard, USB flash drive, USB hard disk, USB headset, wireless USB modem....
    Well you actually can a USB port, but you need an adapter...
  • No built-in card readers. Want to transfer your pictures of videos from your digital camera? You will need to buy a couple of adapters from Apple then...
  • No camera
    Want to use your Instant Messenger with a web-cam... Not on Apple iPad.
  • iPhone OS
    Although you may enjoy multi-touch and applications for Apple iPhone, you can't use most programs, because they work in Windows, Mac OS or Linux.
  • No remote administration
  • No multi-tasking. iPhone OS on Apple iPad works the same way as on Apple iPhone
  • iPad allows to read ebooks.... but it doesn't use eInk screen, so the feature doesn't have much sense
  • No HDMI
  • No CD/DVD/Blu-Ray.... Not really a disadvantage. These devices only collect dust
  • Wi-Fi is not stable on many iPads (will probably be improved)
  • You need to hold iPad in your hands when watching videos (unless you can find a better way)

Advantages of Apple iPad
  • Pretty fast (unless you want to watch a FullHD video with it)
  • Long lasting battery (unless you want to play resource intensive games)
  • Multi-touch
  • Many applications from App Store
  • Music and videos from iTunes store.
  • Allows to read books (If you really think that colorful screen is better than using eInk book readers).

Bottom line: Who need this device??? Probably only the US market that is crazy about Apple.
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Old 01-29-2010, 01:40 AM
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

At least one device from Apple than mostly only journalists like
So much hype about Apple iPad, but I don't really see why it would be popular.

May be the next generation of iPad with GPS, web camera, USB,... By that time there should be much more applications for iPhone OS that are tailored to work on large screen.
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Old 01-29-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Ya , these are certainly some drawbacks of apple ipad.
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Old 03-02-2010, 06:14 AM
fervent fervent is offline
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

I was going to buy something like that but now... I will be waiting, I think...
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Old 04-04-2010, 02:43 AM
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

If you need a tablet, take a look at HP Slate. If will probably won't be that finger friendly and fast as an iPad, but should offer much better functionality.

Personally, I don't need a tablet, nether Apple iPad, nor HP Slate. Looking forward to see better devices using Android.
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Old 04-19-2010, 12:47 AM
carmelo42 carmelo42 is offline
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Yes, i agree with you abiut some disavantages, but right now I am with my iPad and I love it

For my use when I am not at home ( or im my saloon chair ) it is better than my laptop computer ...

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Old 04-19-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Originally Posted by carmelo42 View Post
Yes, i agree with you abiut some disavantages, but right now I am with my iPad and I love it

For my use when I am not at home ( or im my saloon chair ) it is better than my laptop computer ...
How do you use your iPad? What applications?
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Old 05-14-2010, 09:59 AM
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Re: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

as for me, it is very difficult to use..
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Old 11-22-2010, 01:12 AM
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Unbiased iPad review: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Apple began taking pre-orders for the iPad from U.S. customers on March 12, 2010.The only major change to the device between its announcement and being available to pre-order was the change of the behavior of the side switch from sound muting to that of a screen rotation lock. The Wi-Fi version of the iPad went on sale in the United States on April 3, 2010. The Wi-Fi + 3G version was released on April 30.

3G service in the United States is provided by AT&T and was initially sold with two prepaid contract-free data plan options: one for unlimited data and the other for 250 MB per month at half the price. On June 2, 2010, AT&T announced that effective June 7 the unlimited plan would be replaced for new customers with a 2 GB plan at slightly lower cost; existing customers would have the option to keep the unlimited plan.The plans are activated on the iPad itself and can be canceled at any time

iPad Supported Video Formats:
  • MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
  • MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and mov file

You should notice OS system when decide to choose an ipad video converter.

Calibre is a freeware software allowing to convert ebooks from one format to another. You can use it to convert PDF to EPUB. Calibre can also convert HTML, XHTML, LRF, LIT, TXT, RTF, MOBI, PRC, AZW, TPZ, AZW1, SNB, CBC, CBR, CBZ files into ePub files for reading with your iPhone, Sony Reader, Kindle and other eBook Readers. Calibre supports batch mode conversion to spare you more time and provide convenience for you.

As many of we already know, the iPad has become a fantastic device for business/entertaiment/study use and there are a variety of apps out there that will allow you to do all kinds of interesting and useful things.

For example, there are a lot of apps out there that will allow you to share files and will allow you to open documents such as PDF files on your iPad and these are all playing a great role in the way that we are now operating businesses.

As well as this, the iPad has also become a fantastic device for drawing and note taking and there are also a variety of iPad apps out there that are dedicated to giving you the best drawing and note taking experience that you can get for the device.

However, one question that you might have asked yourself is what exactly the best choice of the apps for your business/entertaiment.Now I am going to talk something of this.

First, let's review iPad apps for business:
  • Air Sketch

    Turn your iPad into a wireless whiteboard! Annotate PDF documents and images live.

    You can now project PDF documents (such as exported PowerPoint or Keynote decks) to a computer on the same local network, then annotate them in real time, all from your iPad.

    Air Sketch is great for presentations in the boardroom, classroom, or on the go. Just fire up Air Sketch on the iPad and open the specified URL from any HTML-5 compatible browser on the local network. Your photos and drawings show up natively in the browser. There's no proprietary client software to install, or services to subscribe to.
  • Jot

    Simple ideas are often the best. Jot! is a simple app designed to help you make quick sketches and diagrams, in a matter of minutes. Jot! can be used to take notes during meetings, and share them later via email. You can also use the app to quickly draft diagrams and ideas, even if far from your desk, and use these drafts later to create more formal versions with tools like Keynote, Powerpoint, Visio, Pages…

    Jot! features an ultra simplified interface, designed to make the sketching process as easy and fast as possible (the app is not meant to make professional looking documents after all!).

And now some games for iPad:
  • Angry Birds HD

    Thanks to its incredibly enjoyable Boom Blox-inspired gameplay, Angry Birds shot up the charts when it was released for the iPhone, and it has long-since cemented its position at the top with numerous free updates, each of which have added a ton of new levels. If you're unfamiliar with the game, think of other similar 2D physics puzzles in which you much knock down structures. Your goal in each level is to take out all the evil green piggies using a variety of unique birds, each with their own destructive ability. The iPhone version does suffer from the iPhone's small screen size, but the iPad version solves that problem, effectively delivering the ultimate piggie-mauling experience.
  • Babylonian Twins HD

    With origins as an Amiga game in the early '90s, Babylonian Twins has a long and storied history. The game allows players to switch between two unique characters, both of whom have unique abilities which will be used to navigate around enormous levels. We found the game to be extremely challenging--despite it's kid-friendly art--and its head-scratching puzzles are incredibly satisfying to solve. With that being said, the best target audience for this game is the older crowd that can appreciate a truly challenging platformer. Worthy of special mention is the original Iraqi-influenced musical score, which is both soothing and appropriate for the setting of the game.

You can sync all this apps from itunes to iPad.
  1. Turn on your personal computer and verify you have downloaded the most recent iTunes software. The iPad is compatible with iTunes version 9.1 or higher.
  2. Connect the iPad to the computer using a compatible USB cable. Purchase of the Apple iPad includes the necessary cable.
  3. Open iTunes on your computer, if iTunes hasn't opened automatically, and select "iPad" in the sidebar.
  4. Configure which information or programs you would like to share between the iPad and iTunes. The "Sync Settings" window is divided into multiple panes that allow users specific options for different types of media sharing.
  5. Select "Apply" in the lower left-hand corner of the iTunes screen to save the settings and exit iTunes. Now, whenever you connect the iPad to the computer the chosen sync options will be applied and material synced between the two devices.
  6. At last,here is the charge of iPad Wifi.

Pricing & Availability
iPad is available in Wi-Fi models in the US for a suggested retail price of $499 for 16GB, $599 for 32GB and $699 for 64GB. The Wi-Fi + 3G models will be available on April 30 in the US for a suggested retail price of $629 for 16GB, $729 for 32GB and $829 for 64GB. iPad is sold in the US through the Apple Store, Apple's retail stores, Amazon, most Best Buy stores, select Apple Authorized Resellers and campus bookstores. AT&T is offering breakthrough 3G pre-paid data plans for iPad with easy, on-device activation and management.
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Old 03-26-2011, 01:30 AM
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Re: Unbiased iPad review: Disadvantages of Apple iPad

Initially I didn't like the iPad at all. And I still don't have one. Now that I see more and more people using it, I'm starting to change my mind.

The best thing about iPad is the amount of applications that you can run on it, from entertainment to business. Also besides watching videos, surfing online, playing games, there are several other nice things about it:
1. It is very portable and holds the battery for a long time even if you have Internet connection turned on.
2. If you are at a conference, you can show some content (like Slides) on an iPadinstantaneously, unlike regular laptops which need a minute to wake up from hibernation.
3. iPad 2 has a camera, and you can make Skype video calls with it.

But I must admit, that for me iPad is more about marketing, than real value. I think that most iPad buyers don't really understand what they buy. But there is so much hype about it, that they can't resist.

Anyway I really like what Apple does. It changes paradigms and makes everything easier to use. Then other vendors borrow Apple's ideas (likewise Apple borrows many ideas from other platforms) and make other platforms better.
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