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Old 08-20-2010, 09:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Two and a Half Men: The Complete Seventh Season DVD

The Two and a Half Men series were in excellent condition and thoroughly enjoyable.

I've kept up with the series over the past few years and recently brought the dvds out and watched through the first 4 seasons (all that are available on dvd at the time of this review) again. Without a doubt, I think the scond season is the best of the series. I wouldn't rate any of the seasons, including the ones I've seen on TV that aren't out on disc yet, below a 3 (or a 3 and a half if that was an option), but I think this is the only season I'd give a perfect 5. Even having seen all of these episodes three or four times, I still can't stop laughing.

If you've watched the show in syndication on CW or WGN, you've probably seen several of these episodes (the syndication tends to be the first 3 seasons at this point). I've seen other reviews where people try and list out the best episodes of this season, but it's like trying to tell someone what the best songs on a Beatles album are: by the time you're done listing, you'll have named about 90% of the episodes in the season .

The 3rd Disc of this season is perfect. Charlie tries to take Alan to Vegas to ease his brother's fears of a colonoscopy but Alan's semi - OCD gets in the way. Judith feels the need to go on vacation from her stressful life of cashing alimony checks and leaves Jake with the brothers for a full week. Charlie and Alan each mess things up in extremely hilarious ways - based on the facial expressions alone, this might be Angus T. Jones best episode as Jake. Charlie convinces Alan to pretend to be his gay partner to impress an Ad exec - and the ensuing relationship is brilliant, especially when their mom finds out. Jake loses his portable game system in the coffin of one of his grandmother's ex husbands.

I still enjoy watching new Two and a Half Men on Mondays, but nothing beats this season . The story lines aren't repetitive yet. The dialogue is still fresh. And for me, the most important thing is the characters aren't dumb downed yet. Charlie is of course still a highly functional drunk, but he's not an idiot. His one liners are still littered with interesting tidbits and cultural references. He's not the low brow idiot the writers are quickly turning him into in later seasons. Alan's awkwardness is still fresh and hilarious. And as Jake, Angus Jones is the perfect age. Like the Charlie of later seasons, the writers have decided to really dumb down Jake. As an 11 year old in season 2, Jake is just a semi-naive kid with a lot of apathy and a few cups of bad influence.

I don't regret buying all of the seasons of the series, but if I could only keep one of them, it would be season 2. If you caught on to the show late and haven't seen the old episodes yet, this is a great place to start

Two and a Half Men: The Complete Seventh Season

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