How to find free eBooks for Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, iPad
- Free Google Books from the public domain
Google Books has a very large collection of public domain books in the standard EPUB format. You can download and use these books on your Nook, Sony Reader, iPad or any other eBook Reader supporting ePub files.
To use ePub ebooks on your Kindle, just convert them into MOBI format using freeware Calibre.
Besides free ebooks, Google provides free book previews in PDF format.
- Free Kindle Books on Amazon
Amazon Kindle Store offers free ebooks from public domain. Also Kindle Store offers some ebooks for free for a limited time.
Note that most ebooks in the Kindle Store are free for US residents only. Of course you can change the country in your account to the United States, but Amazon checks your IP address, so you need to use a US IP address to get free ebooks without any limitation.
How to find free ebooks in the Kindle Store- Big Deals
This is more of an official listing of Kindle books that are currently available for free download on Amazon to Kindle users.
You should also check the Bestsellers category on Kindle Store as it lists free titles as well.
- Sort by Price
When you search for a Kindle book (or any other item) on Amazon, it displays search results by relevance.
If you change this default sort order from "Relevance" to "Price: Low to High", you'll get a list of all Kindle books that match your search keywords and are available for free download.
- Listmania
Listmania Lists are basically a list of products compiled by Amazon users. You can use search phrases like "free kindle books", "kindle freebie", "penny kindle book", etc. to discover lists that may free books you are looking for. Just click onto the "kindle freebie" and you will find plenty of free ebooks.
Note that even free ebook from Kindle Store are protected by DRM. If you want to read such books on Sony Reader, Nook, iPad or any other eBook Reader, you need to remove DRM from .AZW files.
You don't need to be a hacker to crack the encryption of DRM protected AZW files. Just download freeware ebook DRM removal tools archive including DRM removal tools for ePub files. And try to use a Calibre plug-in first.
- Free Kobo Books from the public domain
Kobo Books features 1.8 mln of free ebook titles. Although you can remove DRM protection from Kobo .epub ebooks, it is much easier to dowload DRM-free ebooks from Google.
- Free ebook from Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android or other portable device. Project Gutenberg were previously published by bona fide publishers and digitized by them with the help of thousands of volunteers. All ebooks can be freely downloaded: Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. No fee or registration is required, but if you find Project Gutenberg useful, they kindly ask you to donate a small amount so they can buy and digitize more books. Other ways to help include digitizing more books, recording audio books, or reporting errors.
Also Project Gutenberg feature over 100,000 free ebooks are available through their Partners, Affiliates and Resources.
Project Gutenberg ebooks are free in the United States because their copyright has expired. They may not be free of copyright in other countries. Readers outside of the United States must check the copyright laws of their countries before downloading or redistributing these ebooks.
- manybooks.net
manybooks.net offers popular classic titles that are copyright free. Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews. There are more than 29,000 eBooks available here and they're all free!
manybooks.net strives to provide eBooks in almost every format available.
- ePubBooks
ePubBooks - provides public domain eBook classics, many of which have colour or black & white illustrations. ePub eBooks are free to download for reading on many mobile and desktop eBook readers (Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo eBook Reader, iPad, Android, CyBook OPUS, etc.)