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Old 04-15-2006, 03:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos from (HTTP .flv stream)

Hello all,

I am new to this forum and I am having difficulty in finding the right software to help me rip music videos from this site :
The videos pop up in a smaller window when clicked on but you require flash player to view. I have tried WMR (Windows Media Recorder) to rip them but it does not work and I have no idea at all how to.

Can anyone please help? it would be very much appreciated!


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Old 04-16-2006, 03:27 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Recording Flash .FLV videos

Please read the following FAQ to learn how to get/capture/rip/download .FLV videos from Flash Player:
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player

For example, you may use one of the following to free methods:

1. Saving .FLV flash files from the cache folder
You may grab .FLV files from the Cache folder of your web-browser.
See our FAQ on getting flash .SWF files for more (only look for .flv files instead of .swf files).

2. Downloading .FLV flash files with any download manager
But when getting 25+ Mb .FLV video files it is probably better to use a download manager.

Before downloading .FLV file with a download manager you need to find its URL. As in case of any other media stream, use
URL Snooper or Packet Sniffer software like free Project URL Snooper.

I had a problem using Project URL Snooper so I used URL Helper instead. But I suggest you to try the latest version of Project URL Snooper, 'coz it is free.

Using URL Snooper software it is easy to find thay say for the following web-page
the following .FLV URL is used
After getting the URL for your FLV file just use any download manager you like to download from the given URL. You may use Mass Downloader, HiDownload, Net Transport, FlashGet, Orbit Downloader or any other download manager (some of them are absolutely free).
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:40 AM
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re:Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos from (HTTP .flv stre

I recommend to record FLV by Screen VidShot
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:59 AM
Stream Recorder
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re:Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos from (HTTP .flv stre

Originally Posted by Unregistered
I recommend to record FLV by Screen VidShot
It is always better to download video files than use screen video capture software (if you really want to do it fast and with higher quality you shouldn't use screen capture software where applicable). And I prefer Replay Video Capture to Screen VidShot. See the following thread for more:
the Best Screen Capture Program (record ANY video from your screen)
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Old 06-11-2006, 09:46 PM
Stream Recorder
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Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos from (HTTP .flv stream)

Saving .FLV videos to hd uses http protocol to stream flash .FLV videos. To save them you may use the means described in the following FAQ:
Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protocol, namely:
See the following FAQ for more details
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player

Note that after downloading with many download managers you have to rename file to "some_filename.flv" (change some_filename to anything you like, but leave the .flv file extension) to be able to watch it with .FLV player or convert it with FLV converter.

You can play Macromedia Flash .FLV videos as described in the following FAQ
How to play Macromedia Flash video .FLV files (FLV players)

and can convert .FLV video files as described in the following forum thread
How to convert .FLV videos downloaded from Google, YouTube, etc.

To download a clip you only have to enter the url of the page with the video you want to download, and the program will save it in your hard disk.

How to download/rip/capture/save/catch other flash videos
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video RTMP stream from embedded player

How to play and convert .FLV videos downloaded/captured/ripped/saved from
Playing captured .FLV videos
Converting .FLV videos
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Old 07-31-2006, 01:00 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

WMRecorder to download .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protocol

New WM Recorder 11 also supports .FLV flash video streamed through the HTTP.
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Old 02-15-2007, 12:54 AM
Stream Recorder
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Replay Media Catcher can record both HTTP and RTMP .FLV video stream

Replay Media Catcher can record both HTTP and hard-to-get RTMP flash video .FLV streams. Just open it and click "Start recording" to record
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Old 07-20-2007, 09:31 PM
Posts: n/a

re:WMRecorder to download .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protocol

Stream Recorder,

I followed all your steps to download .FLV files using WM Recorder. But the program does not detect the URL automatically and if i explicitly specify the URL, it downloads only the web page but not the video.

Anything wrong that I am doing here or is there any setting that needs to be configured ?

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Old 08-06-2007, 01:19 AM
Stream Recorder
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re:WMRecorder to download .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protocol

Originally Posted by kapilpatry
I followed all your steps to download .FLV files using WM Recorder. But the program does not detect the URL automatically and if i explicitly specify the URL, it downloads only the web page but not the video.

Anything wrong that I am doing here or is there any setting that needs to be configured ?
Make sure you start recording with WM Recorder first and only then open your browser, navigate to the web-page with a stream and play it.

If you have already watched the flash video and it is in the cache of your browser then you won't be able to record with WM Recorder this way. The only stream recorder that can get flash videos from the cache of your browser is Replay A/V. But you can clean the browser cache and record with WM Recorder following the above mentioned steps.
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:01 AM
marion marion is offline
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re:WMRecorder to download .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protocol

will WM Recorder be able to record paid video with .flv file type ?
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