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Old 10-09-2010, 06:42 AM
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aTube Catcher (freeware) - Download Flash videos, Capture videos from screen

aTube Catcher - Download videos from social web sites like MySpace, Dailymotion, Megavideo, Google, Yahoo!, Metacafe, Spike, Megarotic, Globo, RTVE, YouTube, etc; now has support for hundred video sharing sites!; it has bult-in support for RTMP (Real Time Streaming Protocol), a new way for streaming video which hundred sites are using to deliver high quality content at faster speeds.

You can download and export the multimedia content to your computer or your mobile device, IPOD, PSP, Cell Phone, DVD, VCD, MP3 (Yes, you can extract only audio tracks from your favorite videos), includes templates so you don't have to worry about the encoding options, but if you want, you can customize the options and get higher quality video/audio. The default format is MPEG4 AVI, the file types supported are 3GP, 3G2, AVI, XVID, MP4, MP3, MP2, WMA, WMV, GIF, FLAC, WAV, PSP, MPG, VOB, OGG, MOV, AVI. aTube Catcher also is available in many languages, English, Spanish, French, German, Catalá, Slovensky, Portuguese and Italian, all in a easy to use GUI, just Copy & Paste the url of your video. Sites containing embedded youtube videos are supported only if they use the standard code provided by the portal.

Features of aTube Catcher 2.2:
  • More stable, reliable, and faster!
  • Turbo Downloads up to 600% faster!
  • Now In just 2 steps create and record DVD's!
  • Capture Videos, SWF, and MP3's from any web site using StreamCatcher mode!
  • Record video from your screen!, yes now you can record Live, Yahoo, etc Messenger video conferences with a few clicks, even video from sites like Hulu, CBS, directly from your Screen!
  • Video Converter Mode, convert lots of files easily with one click to any output format!
  • Many rofiles for encoding your videos/audios in P4,MP3,MPG,3GP,3G2,WMV,AVI,MOV,etc... almost any input/output format supported!
  • DVD Creator Mode! aTube Catcher can directly record DVD's, just drag any video file in almost any input format on the window, they will be converted automatically and recorded to any DVD+/-R/DVD+/-RW Media!. Supports all standard DVD/CD Recorders! Recorded DVD's can be played on any standard home DVD player!
  • IE Cache Media Browser, browses the Internet Explorer's cache looking for Video files and SWF's
  • URL Monitor. Monitor your Web browser's windows to catch your links even if the address bar is hidden.
  • Download and join multiple videos as a new one. Forget time limitations, you can join all the chapters of the same video.
  • In Normal mode for direct download, are supported hundred of sites like YouTube, Megavideo, DailyMotion, FaceBook, Tweetvid, etc...
  • Freeware
  • Merge existent videos into any format!
  • Video search tool, helps you to find thousands of videos in a few seconds, display results on your screen with a low memory usage; you can right click over results or double click to open built-in web player !
  • "Clipboard monitor", helps you to keep a history of the links copied to your clipboard. !
  • aTube Catcher takes advantage of the multi-core CPU's when converting multiple videos simultaneously. Put to work your new powerful multi-core cpu and enjoy its power process!
  • aTube Catcher can authenticate with Dailymotion, YouTube, Orange and Kewego, this makes possible to download private or adult rated videos;
  • Support for YouTube playlists, you can put the url of a playlist and aTube Catcher will show you a screen, then select the desidered videos or simply all; due to a request from the users now you can copy the url of a search and aTube Catcher will fetch the links
  • You can set multiple simultaneous downloads and up to 5 simultaneous conversions.
  • It supports natively RTMP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) which allows to aTube Catcher download videos from more sites like MyPlay, BBC, CNN, ATOM, VH1, Yahoo! Music and many more!
  • Capability to decode correctly UTF-8, Windows-1252, etc, now the titles of your videos can be saved without strange characters.

Requirements of aTube Catcher:
  • Processor: Any i686 or compatible cpu running Windows 32 bits.
  • Operating system: MS Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7 (x32 and x64).
  • DirectX 9.0c minimum for Screen Recorder
  • Windows Media Player 8 minimum for Screen Recorder
  • Latest version of Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
  • WinPCap 4.0 minimum, for Stream Catcher mode

aTube Catcher works fine on Linux running the last version of Wine, but the installer will raise some errors, it is normal, just ignore it.
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