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Old 02-05-2010, 08:34 PM
el_g00g el_g00g is offline
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Blackmagic Intensity Pro issues when recording from xbox 360: Audio and video problem

hi, ok i'm really sorry if this is in the wrong place or anything but i'm an absolute n008 when it comes to forums....

basically i have recently bought a 'Blackmagic Intensity Pro'.
i want to use it to recorded footage from xbox 360 which i plan on posting n you tube and ultimately using in reviews... my computer is a dell work station running a xeon quad core @ 2.33 with 8gb of server memory.. as far as hdd i have a 1tb cavalier black which my os is on and a second hdd which i use as a scratch disk and which i will be recording to.. it is completely empty.

the physical setup is as follows: 1 xbox 360 connected to the input f the capture card via hdmi.. then the capture card linked back t a monitor via an hdmi to dvi cable...

i was thinking this would be an easy project but no....the first time i got it set up it worked perfectly but ever since then, the footage is all over the place sometimes it is slowed down, or sped up, or pauses, or skip.. and every time the audio is out f sync... i have no idea what to do i have tried everything that i've seen suggested on forums that i've found and i just can't get it to work...
please help!!? O_o
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Old 02-06-2010, 12:38 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Blackmagic Intensity Pro issues when recording from xbox 360: Audio and video pro

What software do you use when capturing video? Have you tried anything besides Blackmagic Capture Software (Blackmagic Media Express) like freeware VitualDub or commercial Premiere Pro? Do you get the same results using them?

What video codec do you use when capturing? Blackmagic Motion JPEG?

What framerate to you use? Have you tried to reduce it to 29.97 or 25?

Have you tried to capture uncompressed video (please note that it requires lots of hdd space)? Do you get the same results?

How much of your CPU is used by your video capture software? 100%?

Some common problems:
Blackmagic Intensity Pro issue: Frame drops caused by codecs and codec packs
The installation of some codec packs can cause media players to drop frames while playing Blackmagic uncompressed HD clips.

Some freeware and shareware codec packs override Blackmagic codecs when playing back uncompressed video. These codec packs are neither designed nor suitable for playing back uncompressed HD clips captured with products from Blackmagic Design.

For this reason, it is recommend not to install freeware and shareware codec packs when working with products from Blackmagic Design. Unwanted codec packs can be uninstalled using the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel in Microsoft Windows.

Blackmagic Intensity Pro video issues caused by the performance of your hard drive
Try using an HDD utility such as free HD Tune that allows to show a transfer graph. See if it's nice and smooth or full of peaks and valleys.

Blackmagic Intensity Pro issue: Audio out of sync when recording video game (from xbox 360)
Make sure to capture video with the same framerate that your video game console uses for outputting video. If it outputs 30 fps, then use 30 fps when capturing. If you use a different frame rate, you may try to fix the audio/video out of sync problem with VirtualDub.

You can also record sound from the "Line In" of your sound card instead of capturing from HDMI audio. In the Black Magic Control Panel change the setting for HDMI input and Analog RCA audio. This will allow you to use HDMI for video input and RCA audio for audio. You will need RCA to mini jack cable that will be connected to the "Line In" of your sound card.

And you can file an official support request on the blackmagic web-site
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Old 02-06-2010, 01:26 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Blackmagic Intensity Pro issues when recording from xbox 360: Audio and video pro

VirtualDub is a free video editor that allows to capture video. It works much better than Blackmagic Media Express.

VirtualDub settings for recording from xbox360 with Blackmagic Intensity Pro
  • Use the same framerate that is used by xbox360 for outputting video
  • Select "Capture" -> "Disk I/0" and set chunk in buffer to 64 and chunk size to 2 mb
  • Select "Capture" -> "Timing" and check "Do not resync between audio and video stream" if you get audio and video out-of-sync
    You have some other things to configure like codec and you can capture the easy way.
  • Select "Capture" -> "Hide display on capture" and hide your display to save PCI bandwidth.

If you still get dropped frames, you can try to capture uncompressed video. You can also disable audio:
Uncheck "Audio" -> "Enable audio capturing".
If you're still getting dropped frames with this settings then you may need to upgrade your CPU, memory or get a new computer.
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Old 02-06-2010, 01:35 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Blackmagic Intensity Pro issues when recording from xbox 360: Audio and video pro

When you record HD videos with Blackmagic Intensity Pro, it is recommended to have at least one hard drive dedicated to recording. Do NOT use portable USB hard drives for recording HD videos!

Storage and Data Rates for Uncompressed Video

What's the data rate for uncompressed video when recording with Blackmagic Intensity Pro, and how much space is needed?

The storage and data rates for uncompressed video are listed below.

525 NTSC uncompressed;
8 bit @ 720 x 486 @ 29.97fps = 20 MB per/sec, or 70 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 720 x 486 @ 29.97fps = 27 MB per/sec, or 94 GB per/hr.

625 PAL uncompressed;
8 bit @ 720 x 576 @ 25fps = 20 MB per/sec, or 70 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 720 x 576 @ 25fps = 26 MB per/sec, or 93 GB per/hr.

720p HDTV uncompressed;
8 bit @ 1280 x 720 @ 59.94field = 105 MB per/sec, or 370 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1280 x 720 @ 59.94field = 140 MB per/sec, or 494 GB per/hr.

1080i and 1080p HDTV uncompressed;
8 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 24fps = 95 MB per/sec, or 334 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 24fps = 127 MB per/sec, or 445 GB per/hr.

8 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 25fps = 99 MB per/sec, or 348 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 25fps = 132 MB per/sec, or 463 GB per/hr.

8 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 29.97fps = 119 MB per/sec, or 417 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 29.97fps = 158 MB per/sec, or 556 GB per/hr.

1080i and 1080p HDTV RGB (4:4:4) uncompressed;
10 bit @ 1280 x 720p @ 60fps = 211 MB per/sec, or 742 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 24PsF = 190 MB per/sec, or 667 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 50i = 198 MB per/sec, or 695 GB per/hr.
10 bit @ 1920 x 1080 @ 60i = 237 MB per/sec, or 834 GB per/hr.
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