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Old 09-17-2010, 05:48 PM
dare05 dare05 is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by slayda View Post
You say you tried to open with Mobipocket Reader & nothing happened. Are you sure it was actually decrypted? If so, how do you know? Sounds like maybe it did not decrypt.
It did decrypt, I know because I tried decrypting the decrypted file and then skindle reported an error as it was unable to find that DRM key. So the file I was trying to open was actually decrypted. Is there some special software to open azw files...or if you prefer I can send you the decrypted file so you can check it out, please PM me with your email.

Edit: I'm 100% sure the DRM key is removed but for some reason I can't simply change the file to .mobi and open it normally. Is Skindle still working? That's the question.
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Old 09-21-2010, 07:38 PM
joe32 joe32 is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

I have the exact same problem as user Dare05 . I have a file that i decrypted. But i can't view it in Calibre ( says "this is an Amazon topaz book. It cannot be processed") Mobipocket reader says the file is corrupt. But i can open it using Kindle for PC. Can anyone please say what is going wrong?
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:16 PM
slayda slayda is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by joe32 View Post
I have the exact same problem as user Dare05 . I have a file that i decrypted. But i can't view it in Calibre ( says "this is an Amazon topaz book. It cannot be processed") Mobipocket reader says the file is corrupt. But i can open it using kindle for pc. Can anyone please say what is going wrong.
I was just recently reviewing the skindle ReadMe file and noticed this argument;

-d optional, for topaz files only, produce a decompressed output file

The Topaz file might be compressed and that may be the problem. Try running skindle again using the original file and include this argument to uncompress and see if that makes a difference. I've never messed with Topaz files & this may not be the problem you're having.
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Old 09-22-2010, 12:28 PM
joe32 joe32 is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Thanks for the input Slayda. But I already tried the decompression option. I made two files, one decompressed and the other without the decompression option. But both files behaved the same way, as stated in my earlier post. Have you guys tried converting anything recently? I am wondering if Amazon updated their drm. I remember there was an update for K4PC about a month and a half ago.
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Old 10-09-2010, 12:53 PM
bug bug is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)


I just downloaded a book from Amazon to my pc (windows xp) and I am trying to remove the drm (with skindle) without success. This is a replica of what I get on the screen:

skindle -i xxx.azw -o
Attempting to locate
Found location
Using UserName = "Void"
Using SystemDrive = "C:\"
Using VolumeSerialNumber = "NNNNNNNNNN"
PID for xxx is: YYYyYyyY
Didn't find PID magic numbers in record
Found a DRM key!
Parse Error : Failed payload read of record color: 1 offset 0x4de592:0x0
and then windows sends a pop-up telling me skindle has made an error and has to close. This has happened several times already.

Anybody knows what I'm doing wrong, or how this could be solved?

Thank you very much in advance,

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Old 10-11-2010, 07:06 PM
slayda slayda is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

I just had a similar experience & here's what I've done (no solution yet if ever). When I DLed the book to K4PC it showed as a .azw type but when I DLed it to my computer for transfer to Kindle, it showed as a .tpz file. This seems strange to me. Is it an AZW book or a TPZ book? Still investigating. Will DL directly to Kindle (once the battery is recharged), transfer to computer and see what it looks like.

Edit: The ebook brought in from the Kindle had the extension of .azw1. Apparently this is a Topaz ebook and skindle is not working with it. I had my doubts that it would work with a Topaz ebook but this is the first one I've bought to try it with. A .azw ebook purchased at the same time had no problem with skindle.

Last edited by slayda : 10-12-2010 at 07:25 AM.
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Old 10-14-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Does someone know what they use instead of CryptUnprotectData on the Mac?

I checked skindle and a few things that are different for sure:

The is located here:
/Users/x/Library/Application Support/Amazon/Kindle For Mac/storage/.kindle-info
string_32 is the same, but string_64 is different. The correct string is:
From there I just have no clue what they use instead of CryptUnprotectData. The other info was available using lsof/opensnoop and strings.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:48 PM
fussman fussman is offline
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skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Can someone please help me? I am new to this decoding thing! I am getting the books decoded (DRM removed), however some of my books are gibberish (not able to be read, gobbelty gook) afterwards. Is there something I'm not doing correctly? It is not all of my books that this is happening too?
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by fussman View Post
Can someone please help me? I am new to this decoding thing! I am getting the books decoded (DRM removed), however some of my books are gibberish (not able to be read, gobbelty gook) afterwards. Is there something I'm not doing correctly? It is not all of my books that this is happening too?
Were these books downloaded with Kindle for PC using your computer?
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Old 11-26-2010, 12:58 PM
fussman fussman is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Yes they were all downloaded via PC (Kindle for PC)!
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