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Old 07-12-2010, 07:53 AM
John-K9jgs John-K9jgs is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

I think I have done what is required, extracted Skindle into a file on my desktop, copied the book title into the Input folder, and (maybe not needed) downloaded Kindle for PC to my machine.

However, the Output file remains empty when I try to use either LZ or EZ. I am not very sophisticated with this stuff so I don't know where to look for the problem.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Old 07-22-2010, 09:37 AM
Akasha42 Akasha42 is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

I was most annoyed when I downloaded a book in .prc format from Amazon and was unable to decrypt it using the standard unswindle method.

I realize skindle is for mobi and topaz, but is there any way to decrypt this annoying .prc development?

I also have a B&N .pdb book that refuses to be decrypted.

I bought the books. I'm annoyed I can't read them on my third-party eBook reader.
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Old 07-23-2010, 08:25 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by Akasha42 View Post
I also have a Barnes & Noble .pdb book that refuses to be decrypted.
Remove DRM from PDB ebook from B&N (Barnes & Noble),...
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Old 07-25-2010, 09:53 PM
headala headala is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by Akasha42 View Post
I was most annoyed when I downloaded a book in .prc format from Amazon and was unable to decrypt it using the standard unswindle method.

I realize skindle is for mobi and topaz, but is there any way to decrypt this annoying .prc development?
My problem is that my book is a Topaz file in a prc container and nothing I have can decrypt it (see above posts of mine for details). Have you had any luck/developments with yours?
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Old 08-11-2010, 01:14 AM
Dan247 Dan247 is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Where does Kindle For PC (Version 1.2.0) put the ebooks that you download? I can't seem to find them. Using the files that were downloaded for my Kindle give an error message because they have a different PID.
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Old 08-20-2010, 08:00 AM
rlefranc rlefranc is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction...I have been using the free Kindle app on my iPhone for a couple of years now and have built up quite a library of Kindle books, but don't have a physical Kindle. I am looking at buying the Sony ebook reader and want to be able to read my Kindle books on it.

I've installed Kindle For PC and skindle and each time I run it I get the error no valid pids available failed to find drm key. I'm wondering if this is because I don't have a Kindle device but have just been using the iPhone app instead?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?
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Old 08-20-2010, 09:10 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by rlefranc View Post
I've installed Kindle For PC and skindle and each time I run it I get the error no valid pids available failed to find drm key.
skindle error: No valid pids available, failed to find DRM key
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Old 08-20-2010, 09:19 AM
slayda slayda is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by rlefranc View Post
Hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction...I have been using the free Kindle app on my iPhone for a couple of years now and have built up quite a library of Kindle books, but don't have a physical Kindle. I am looking at buying the Sony ebook reader and want to be able to read my Kindle books on it.

I've installed Kindle For PC and skindle and each time I run it I get the error no valid pids available failed to find drm key. I'm wondering if this is because I don't have a Kindle device but have just been using the iPhone app instead?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?
You will need to download all of your books again for the Kindle for PC program. When you look in your "Manage your Kindle" area at Amazon you will see a list of your books. There will be a "Deliver to" button. Choose the name you gave to your "Kindle for PC" when you registered it (or register it with Amazon if you haven't already). skindle will only work with the version of the ebook DLed for the PC where skindle is running. It will not work with the version of the ebook DLed to your iphone.

Note: Being a command line statement, skindle does not like blanks in the file names so replace them with a dash or underscore or just remove them.

For those dealing with unDRMing a file that is marked .prc, I have noticed some of my books marked .azw.prc. If this is what you're dealing with, just delete the .prc from the file name and treat it like any other .azw file. Should work with .tpz.prc in a similar way.

I have two .cmd scripts written that eliminate the need to open a command prompt. If interested, send me a PM or if enough interest is shown, I'll post here. A good script writer could probably make them a lot slicker but they work which is always my main goal.
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Old 08-20-2010, 12:54 PM
slayda slayda is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Please post them here.
The two work together. Note; being lazy I just copied/modified a couple that I had for With the skindle pair you need to be sure there is only one book of the type addressed in the folder. Otherwise you'll only end up with the last one deDRMed. I call them FixAllSAWZ.cmd (which calls the second one) & FixSAZWbk.cmd (which actually removes the DRM from a .azw ebook, puts the original into a foldee "originals" and puts the .prc (deDRMed mobipocket file) into the folder "NoDRM" where it is called temp.prc. You can rename it now or later in Calibre.


for %%b in ("*.azw") do FixSAZWbk %%b

Finds all files in the current folder that have the .azw extension & calls FixSAZWbk.cmd. (be sure there is only .azw file in the folder)


@echo off
skindle -i %1 -o temp.prc
move %1 Originals\
move /y temp.prc NoDRM\

Takes the output .azw file from FixAllSAWZ.cmd and uses skindle to remove the DRM and puts the deDRMed ebook (now called temp.prc) into the NoDRM folder & the original .azw file into the folder called Originals (assumes you have folders called NoDRM & Originals).

These need to be cleaned up to be more efficient (and I may do that later so that you end up with better file names based on the input file name and works with multiple files ) but for now they work - I usually only have one book to deDRM when I use these. Just double click on the file FixAllSAZW.cmd & you'll generate the file "temp.prc" in the folder "NoDRM" & move the original ebook file into the folder "Originals".

Remember that skindle does not want to find blanks in the ebook file name, so fix that before running these scripts.

Also remember these assume that you have skindle working properly.


EDIT#1: By changing the "temp" (two places in FixSAZWbk.cmd) to %1 you can deDRM all the .azw files in your working folder with one running of the script. Your files in the NoDRM folder will look like "OriginalFile.azw.prc" & will be in the Mobipocket format.

Last edited by slayda : 08-20-2010 at 05:36 PM.
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:33 AM
rlefranc rlefranc is offline
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Re: skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

Originally Posted by slayda View Post
You will need to download all of your books again for the Kindle for PC program. When you look in your "Manage your Kindle" area at Amazon you will see a list of your books. There will be a "Deliver to" button. Choose the name you gave to your "Kindle for PC" when you registered it (or register it with Amazon if you haven't already). skindle will only work with the version of the ebook DLed for the PC where skindle is running. It will not work with the version of the ebook DLed to your iphone.

Note: Being a command line statement, skindle does not like blanks in the file names so replace them with a dash or underscore or just remove them.

For those dealing with unDRMing a file that is marked .prc, I have noticed some of my books marked .azw.prc. If this is what you're dealing with, just delete the .prc from the file name and treat it like any other .azw file. Should work with .tpz.prc in a similar way.

I have two .cmd scripts written that eliminate the need to open a command prompt. If interested, send me a PM or if enough interest is shown, I'll post here. A good script writer could probably make them a lot slicker but they work which is always my main goal.
Thanks so much for your quick reply! The spacing issue was the problem and once I eliminated those I was back in business.
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