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Old 07-25-2012, 05:33 AM
shakitoff222 shakitoff222 is offline
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how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

1. i just Compile it with rtmpdump 2.3 , is that version still work on Chaturbate?
2. whats the "step" when i ues it to recored Chaturbate, plz make it detailedly cos im really dump lol
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Old 07-26-2012, 02:16 PM
yetanotherday yetanotherday is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

lol hahha
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Old 07-26-2012, 06:34 PM
shakitoff222 shakitoff222 is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

ok i figer itout , but seem likei got some pleoblem still not working for me oops.....

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://
-edge" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "
flash/CBV_2p610.swf" -p ""  -C S:shakshakshak0 -C S:wrestlervic1 -C S:2.610 -C S:pbkdf2_sha256^$10000^$wv0lA80DOOHu^$Qbz1yJEC
qPquqxgEqe7VnIjXc8b/nV41S2WvA6K6Imo= -y "mp4:lonelypussy-sd-8907ee1c1a7e77346813

RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2012-02-24 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: You haven't specified an output file (-o filename), using stdout
Connecting ...
WARNING: Trying different position for server digest!
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header

any idea?
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Old 07-27-2012, 03:05 AM
shakitoff222 shakitoff222 is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it works on my stupie lenovo now...

these 2 codez work

rtmpdump -r"rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:login_name -C S:performer_name -C S:2.610 -C S:your_password_hash
-y "mp4:anyname" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" --live -y "mp4:public-performername" -o "mp4_public-performername.flv"
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:login_name -C S:performer_name -C S:2.610 -C S:your_password_hash -y "mp4:performername" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" -o "performername.flv"

New question----"whats “-C S:2.610” why sometimes it change as “-C S:2.593” or “-C S:2.607” how can i get it from the page?
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Old 07-27-2012, 09:40 AM
non90 non90 is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

Originally Posted by shakitoff222 View Post
New question----"whats “-C S:2.610” why sometimes it change as “-C S:2.593” or “-C S:2.607” how can i get it from the page?
As far as I know it is the version of the chaturbate player (.swf file). And it only changes when chaturbare provides a new version of it. So at some point old versions of it doesn't work anymore.

You can find it on the source code of the html file of every cam site on chaturbate. There you will see something like this...
As you can see, this is version 2.610. ("-C S:2.610")

When it changes to a new version like CBV_2p611.swf (2.611) you will have to adjust the file path of the .swf file and the correspondent "-C" parameter in your command line.
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Old 08-22-2012, 01:03 PM
InterdimensionalCow InterdimensionalCow is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

Originally Posted by shakitoff222 View Post
finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it works on my stupie lenovo now...

these 2 codez work

rtmpdump -r"rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:login_name -C S:performer_name -C S:2.610 -C S:your_password_hash
-y "mp4:anyname" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" --live -y "mp4:public-performername" -o "mp4_public-performername.flv"
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:login_name -C S:performer_name -C S:2.610 -C S:your_password_hash -y "mp4:performername" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" -o "performername.flv"

New question----"whats “-C S:2.610” why sometimes it change as “-C S:2.593” or “-C S:2.607” how can i get it from the page?
I'm trying to do similarly, and I tried the above codes. I modified them a little to fit, but I'm still getting errors. The first code gives me an error about not specifying the path or something, so I modified from the second code.

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:USERNAME -C S:caylin -C S:2.613 -C S:PASSWORDHASH -y "mp4:caylin" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" -o "caylin.flv"
This is what happens when trying his second code:

WARNING: Trying different position for server digest!
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed
I assume the -T is something specific I need to change... But if so, what? I am changing the USERNAME and PASSWORDHASH to mine after looking up how to get the hash. Sorry, I'm used to Replay Media Catcher, which you know doesn't work on this site. I do know coding though - just need to know the format, what to look for, etc.
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Old 08-25-2012, 12:27 AM
shakitoff222 shakitoff222 is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

Originally Posted by InterdimensionalCow View Post
I'm trying to do similarly, and I tried the above codes. I modified them a little to fit, but I'm still getting errors. The first code gives me an error about not specifying the path or something, so I modified from the second code.

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,2,202,235" -W "" -p ""  -C S:USERNAME -C S:caylin -C S:2.613 -C S:PASSWORDHASH -y "mp4:caylin" -v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" -o "caylin.flv"
This is what happens when trying his second code:

WARNING: Trying different position for server digest!
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed
I assume the -T is something specific I need to change... But if so, what? I am changing the USERNAME and PASSWORDHASH to mine after looking up how to get the hash. Sorry, I'm used to Replay Media Catcher, which you know doesn't work on this site. I do know coding though - just need to know the format, what to look for, etc.
are you trying to recored the room with password protected? rtmp-dump not work with the passworded room anymore, hope someone can help us.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:46 AM
InterdimensionalCow InterdimensionalCow is offline
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Re: how i can use rtmpdump to recored Chaturbate?

Originally Posted by shakitoff222 View Post
are you trying to recored the room with password protected? rtmp-dump not work with the passworded room anymore, hope someone can help us.
Well, I was able to watch it without an account. I only made the account due to reading some examples of the code I'd use. I don't think it'd be passworded then...

Edit: I think I'll centralize my posts here: I'll be watching that page instead of both.
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