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Old 11-11-2009, 08:51 AM
Stream Recorder
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How to convert dynamic disks to basic disks without moving data, but saving it

How to convert dynamic disks to basic disks without moving data, but saving it (Windows, Mac, Xbox, Solaris)

Microsoft suggests to convert a dynamic disk to a basic disk by backing up (moving) the data first, then formatting the disk, and finally restoring the data from the backup.

Freeware command line utility TestDisk allows to backup your data and, if you let it rewrite the partition stucture, it will convert your dynamic disk to a basic disk without touching the data.
  1. Run TestDisk:

  2. Select Create a new log file.
  3. The program detects all the drives connected to your computer (internal, external, Flash drives).
    Highlight the one you want to work on, select Proceed and press Enter.

  4. Make the appropriate choice for your computer (Intel/PC, Mac, Xbox, Solaris) and press Enter.

  5. Select Analyse and press Enter.

  6. Testdisk will display the current structure. Select Backup first (if you want to restore the drive's partition structure later), then Proceed.
  7. It might take a while to get to the screen with all the partitions found.

    Select a partition and press P if you want to see the files stored on the selected partition. Then press C to copy the files to any available drive. Press Enter to continue.

  8. And finally you can convert the dynamic disk to basic one: Select Write, then press Y to confirm.

  9. Exit the program, reboot and should enjoy your basic drive.
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:15 PM
hello2012 hello2012 is offline
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Re: How to convert dynamic disks to basic disks without moving data, but saving it

Through the paid dynamic disk converter to convert dynamic disk to basic disk can be realized well. And it can solve the big problem you mentioned--will not lose any data when converting.
So, you needn't worry about it.
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