Hi all!
Im sucking from WON club, (betting site with some sports streamings), its good, i get the m3u8 playlist, but when i download with ffmpeg and re-stream, the video freezes like 4 seconds, and re-sync, and i don't know how sync all the video/audio fluid.
I made an script who actualizes every time the m3u8 playlists of this site, so you can see in this file to test, just copy the m3u8 link and paste into my FFMpeg command below (the latests m3u8 are at bottom of the list, because the sports match streamings are always starting and finishing).
Maybe the bitrate? or something im missing?
Any suggestions?
the FFMPEG command that im using is:
ffmpeg -re -i 'HEREtheLINK' -c:v copy -hls_flags delete_segments -c:a copy /savedStream.m3u8
I really appreciate your replies, i learn a lot in this forum