In one of the posts you have told that you do the below to download .mp4 streams........
I would like to know "how you were able to set the User-Agent:QuickTimeWinlnet"???
lemme give you a small desc of my problem.
I would like to download .mp4 files from an rtsp like the one below
Now when I try to download the above file using "Nettransport" I get the below mentioned error message
9/18/2006 4:06:50 AM.437 User-Agent: RealMedia Player (HelixDNAClient)/ (win32)
9/18/2006 4:06:51 AM.171 Content-Base: rtsp://tijuana.ucsd.edu:554/branson/physics130a/spring2003/040903_full.mp4/
9/18/2006 4:06:51 AM.234 Session not found
could you please tel me how you changed the User-Agent-QuickTimeWinInet.
also could you please checkout if you can download the video from the above URL. i need to find a way to download above type of files....kinda urgent.
To change user-agent in
1. Create new download. Enter URL in the "Add new download dialog".
2. In the same dialog window click "Other settings..." button.
3. Click on the download tab in the "Other settings" windows.
4. Find the user-agent group and select a user-agent from the drop-down box or enter a custom one like "QuickTimeWinlnet".
The problem here is not a user-agent. QT RTSP .MP4 streams are very hard to record. Only
HiDownload since v.6.9 and
MovRecorder can record them. Although even the recording ability of these programs for such streams is very limited ATM.
If you can't record with a stream recorder, you may use a
Screen video capture software