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Old 03-11-2017, 10:36 AM
ninjagame ninjagame is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 11
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Problems streaming NHK World TV on VLC

Hello everyone,

Here's the problem.
I've been watching NHK World TV for several years now using the VLC Player as streaming software. Since the VLC Player allows recording as well, I could simply record (and save) programs even if I hadn't time to watch them live, and watch them later. Sometimes, NHK would change the streaming URL but that could be dodged. Senior member biezom provided a simple but effective method for that; see here:
Since yesterday, though, the NHK streaming URL won't work on the VLC Player anymore. It simply stopped working while I was watching a program.
Of course I checked if NHK had again changed the streaming URL. But they hadn't. It still streams using the same URL as before but when I enter it, the VLC Player comes back with an error message stating that the URL could not be opened.

Of course, I've tried all the usual things you try in such a situation:

- restarting VLC
- restarting my computer
- restarting my WLAN router
- resetting VLC preferences to default
- deleting the VLC preferences file
- clearing the cache.

All to no avail.

Funny thing is: On other streaming devices, e.g., Quicktime or AirFlick, streaming is still possible, using the same URL. Unfortunately, I can't record with either Quicktime or AirFlick. So whatever the problem may be, it seems to be targeting specifically the VLC Player.
Of course I know that this is not a VLC support forum. I've tried VLC support but haven't got an answer. So I hope someone might by chance have a solution.
Thank you for your time.

Last edited by ninjagame : 03-11-2017 at 11:04 AM. Reason: Providing additional information in order to make the issue clearer.
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