How do I record an audio stream I can only access on an android app - no website
I listen to lectures/podcasts on an Android App.
I can stream the lectures and listen to it, or I can 'download' the lectures and listen to them offline - but I cannot download an mp3 file and transfer it to my computer/ipod etc.
How do I get a copy of these audio files that I can only access on my android app?
I cannot access these audio files on a website - only through the android app. I could get bluestacks and access the app on my computer and then try to download through that? Is this possible?
If all else fails I will just have to play the audio files and voice record it - but this sounds ridiculous. It's going to be about 100 hours!
Thanks for your help!
NOTE: I do not intend to distribute these files - I just want a copy for myself so I can listen to it whenever/wherever + have a damn copy for things I paid for.