im trying to download 1 video from last 2days. but no luck till now.
embed player code : <script src='//player.ooyala.com/v3/eb85de0d7f5043408b0c50c858ace6db'></script><div id='ooyalaplayer' style='width:950px;height:500px'></div><script>OO.ready(function() { OO.Player.create('ooyalaplayer', 'B1NjJ0cTrJCogMhUYMXneJqL2M2YGi8-'); });</script><noscript><div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div></noscript>
i can provide url with user and password to viewlive video.
i have seen this video downloaded and shared with members in a private website i cant ble to download from their site. i have some hopes..