I am trying to capture the stream from
http://www.koolearn.com/lecture/0/13...&versionId= 1
i used
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://fmsbjyz.koolearn.com/vod2/" -a "vod2/" -f "WIN 23,0,0,207" -W "http://static.koolearn.com/kooplayer_new/Jplayer_707.swf" -p "http://www.koolearn.com/lecture/0/136657/0/1023811?_method=forward&productId=44097&versionId= 1" -C S:0 -C S:E9A99E6E989A5BAF92F5D65F39FEF91C.tomcatc -C N:1479220249622.000000 -C S:9613548ff4b503ad31b5b85c5d03f8d0 -C S:3.3.4 -y "mp4:/ry/2015/2016riyu_cj_xbrzj_1_1.mp4" -o 2016riyu_cj_xbrzj_1_1.flv
but i got
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 65937
3745.084 kB / 69.92 sec (3.6%)
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 3.60%), try resuming
can anybody please suggest the proper rtmpdump way to get the stream