Hey guys...
Trying to use
RTMPdump to rip from RTE.ie site, but no luck... Any ideas what my problems might be?
Here is my input into RTMPdump:
c:\r\rtmpdump.exe -r"rtmpte://fmsod.rte.ie/rtevod/mp4:/2010/0703/20100703rte1a_20100703_221746_part3_saturday_night_with__002019.mp4" -W "http://www.rte.ie/player/assets/player_403.swf" -o "c:\part1.mp4"
and here is the result;
c:\r\rtmpdump.exe -r"rtmpte://fmsod.rte.ie/rtevod/mp4:/2010
/0703/20100703rte1a_20100703_221746_part3_saturday_night_with__002019.mp4" -W "h
ttp://www.rte.ie/player/assets/player_403.swf" -o "c:\part1.mp4"
RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close