Hey all-
I've been trying to capture the live streams of baseball games from mlb.com. I am succesfully pulling the m3u8 path but I get the following error when I attempt using livestreamer
esktop Bigalow$ livestreamer "hlsvariant://http://mlblive-l3c.mlb.com/ls04/mlbam/2015/06/15/MLB_GAME_VIDEO_PHIBAL_VISIT_20150615/master_wired_web.m3u8" best -o "MLBtest.ts"
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://http://mlblive-l3c.mlb.com/ls04/mlbam/2015/06/15/MLB_GAME_VIDEO_PHIBAL_VISIT_20150615/master_wired_web.m3u8
[cli][info] Available streams: 1200k, 1800k, 2400k, 3000k, 4500k (best), 500k (worst), 800k
[cli][info] Opening stream: 4500k (hls)
[cli][error] Could not open stream: Need pyCrypto installed to decrypt this stream
esktop Bigalow$
Will someone please help guide me in the proper direction? Thanks!