Record real time with ffmpeg?
I'm trying to record some TV news station. I'm creating IPTV through DVB capture card from the TV.
I've found that even the stream works when I record the file, it's not the exact time, I mean:
I know that sometimes from the receiving the signal, it can delay between 2 and 10 seconds, but when I try to accurate, I found that ffmpeg delays 3-4 seconds to start recording.
If the TV news show 14:00:00 or with DVB Snoop I check the time at 14:00:00, my recording starts at 14:00:03 or 14:00:04.
I'm doing this test:
ffmpeg -y -i udp://@ -r 25 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libfdk_aac -ab 48000 -ar 22050 -ac 1 -s 352x288 -f segment -strftime 1 -segment_time 300 -segment_format mp4 /var/tmp/test-Tvnews-%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.mp4
Anyone can help?
Thanks! :-)