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Old 07-21-2016, 05:29 PM
kingdevil kingdevil is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 665
kingdevil is on a distinguished road

UFO - Making Contact (1992)

Artist: UFO
Title: Making Contact
Year Of Release: 1992
Label: Chrysalis
Genre: Hard Rock
Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) / MP3 320 Kbps
Total Time: 39:45
Total Size: 303 Mb / 122 Mb


01. Blinded By a Lie
02. Diesel in The Dust
03. A Fool For Love
04. You and Me
05. When It's Time to Rock
06. The Way The Wild Wind Blows
07. Call My Name
08. All Over You
09. No Getaway
10. Push, It's Love

Sadly, it happens. Great rock bands disintegrate, often before their time, and a string of recordings appears posthumously that at best offers little resemblance to the sound and attitude associated with the group, and, at worst, smears the reputation of present and past membership. Then, when the critical musicians reform for real, all credibility has been sucked out of their moniker, and futility extends into farce. While UFO and its various key players made enough good music together and separately after their late-'70s heyday to avoid any worse-case scenarios, records like 1983's Making Contact did little to maintain the metal outfit's dwindling accessibility. With only singer Phil Mogg remaining from the key Mogg/Way/Schenker grouping that led to UFO's most successful releases, this disc should more appropriately be labeled as a solo offering. Mogg sounds fine, but the material here is mostly second-rate '80s pop-metal. The Thin Lizzy-tinted "A Fool for Love" and the upbeat "Push, It's Love" almost cut it, but like the rest of Making Contact, these tracks are mired in a mid- to slow-tempo quagmire of tired riffs and cliché lyrics that limit the record's ability to rock.




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