Hey guys,
I used to be able to record WKYS-FM via their RTMP stream using RTMPdump. Since that time, it looks like they've updated their interface and my command for RTMPdump doesn't work anymore.
The URL to access the stream via Web browser is
The RTMPdump command I've used previously was:
rtmpdump -v -r "rtmp://cp72151.live.edgefcs.net:80/live" -a "live?ovpfv=2.1.6" -f "WIN 19,0,0,245" -W "http://cdn-solutions.interactiveone.com/vip/swf/lsap_v7.2.swf" -p "http://kysdc.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ione_listen_live" -y "WKYS-FM@10604" -o "output.flv"
Any thoughts on how to capture the new stream?