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Old 12-01-2008, 02:21 AM
Posts: n/a

need help finding a suitable recorder for KKOH AM radio (mms:// .asf)

I'm a novice when it comes to recording. I'm looking for freeware to time shift a talk show on a commercial radio station. This is something I may only use once or twice a year, so it's not worth paying a license fee. Here's the direct URL for the stream:

I thought this would be simple but I've wasted an entire evening trying different products and reviewing this website, without success.

So far, I've tried Snaptune One and StationRipper. I later learned that Snaptune is no longer in business. I noticed that StationRipper is listed in the chart of streaming audio recorders, but the only input format supported is Icecast. How do I determine if the above stream is Icecast format? I also read in the FAQ that some streams are copy protected, but I couldn't find any information on how to know if a stream is protected.

Thanks for suggestions!
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