New to ffmpeg need help
Im new to ffmpeg and need a little help. I went to page of the video I wanted, right clicked and clicked on inspect. Then went to the Network tab and found the f4m manifest. Opened the C prompt. Dragged ffmpeg into C prompt. Hit space bar and Pasted in the f4m manifest typed -i ( ",604_mp4_video_1280x720_243200 0_primary_audio_6,606_mp4_video_1920x1080_8000000_ primary_audio_8,605_mp4_video_1920x1080_5000000_pr imary_audio_7,603_mp4_video_1280x720_1800000_prima ry_audio_5,602_mp4_video_960x540_1200000_primary_a udio_4,601_mp4_video_640x360_568000_primary_audio_ 3,600_mp4_video_480x270_400000_primary_audio_2,599 _mp4_video_416x234_168000_primary_audio_1,.mp4.csm il/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1456086613~exp=1456086703~ac l=/z/AMC_Networks_-_AMC/623451203738/650/411/BCS_201_D1_623452739*~hmac=64e546301b0decd39bdaf13 445355b6cfdeb12df26828312fca3f75955a878d0&g=IMKBKA SMFPGG&hdcore=3.5.0" -c copy video.mp4 ) and pressed enter. Then it says Unable to find a suitable output format.
What am I doing wrong?
Or if someone could steer me a to walkthrough or tutorial for downloading videos using ffmpeg.
Last edited by MaxBlum : 02-21-2016 at 03:38 PM.