I have been trying to download this video pretty much all day:
I believe the stream url is this, but I'm not totally sure?:
I've tried almost every program I can find...
Replay Media Catcher,
HiDownload ,
Rip Tiger,
Orbit Downloader,
FLV Recorder,
Bit Recorder...
they all error EXCEPT Replay Media Catcher, but I only have the trial version so I can't get the whole file. -_-
In most of the programs, it looks to be some sort of server issue, they prematurely disconnect or error out trying to connect... I don't know what's up with it. If anyone could give me some advice, another program or something, I'd really appreciate it. x_x Or if someone can manage to actually download this thing (it's about 40min), I would be eternally grateful... Ugh. *has wasted a whole day now*... I give up!