I'm using the livestreamer, now i just need to convert/download the respective stream into mp3 format.
livestreamer "hds://gaanavod-vh.akamaihd.net/z/mp4/128/86/1526786/15883903.mp4/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1445782181~exp=1445783381~acl=/*~hmac=0dbb213ef02a66873ab37ac1d46dded96a5e1f0c736f4ea77a7d0e0c4695c3e1&g=GNOLFGFMFPRU&hdcore=3.4.0&plugin=aasp- pvswf=http://css375.gaanacdn.com/media/swf/AkamaiAdvancedStreamingPlugin.swf" best -o 01.mp3
As you can see in the above code. I entered 01.mp3 instead of 01.flv as we always do.. I know it won't work but tried it.. didn't work my players can't read it.. So i came across some forum that it needs ffmpeg to transcode in mp3.. So please help me to do it!
came across this git:
any idea of how to do it?
In a nutshell, i just want download any streaming content in mp3 format instead of flv! just that!
Thanks in advance!