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Old 10-01-2015, 12:40 AM
Jason1055 Jason1055 is offline
IT Hardware
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 7
Jason1055 is on a distinguished road

How can I extract this kind of complicated RTMP address?

Dear Sirs/Madams,

My name is Jason. I'm glad to know you.
I'm having a hard time analyzing a complicated RTMP address these days.
But I can't extract this RTMP address.

1. URL snooper Information (1 stream channel. but 3 types of URL...)
URL Protocol Source IP FlashMedia http file
rtmp:// rtmp
rtmp://|rtmp:// rtmp stream stream
- Basically, I can't understand the last one.
rtmp://xxxxx|rtmp://xxxxx ==> Is this a normal rtmp protocol?
And I can't find a correct rtmp URL. Which one is correct?
Why does the channel have 3 types of URL?
Is there anyone who can solve this problem?

2. Debugging history
- According to the snooper information, I already tried following RTMP address.
But none of them worked correctly...

How can I get the correct address?
Do I need something special?
Please let me know if you need more information about this.
Thanks for your help in advance.

Best regards,
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