Hi there!
I'm trying to download a very short clip from
I can view it if I'm using hola unblocker, otherwise I can't unfortunately.
I obtained the rtmp information using wireshark but for some reason I can't get it to work.
This is what my rtmpdump command looks like:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpt://vod-rtmp-uk-live.edgesuite.net:1935/ondemand?auth=daEaec3bXaebub3ddbdd4dfdcbIbwc2cCck-bwaFdc-bWG-FpqEJnAoFCsHqxF&aifp=v001&slist=secure/1500kbps/MP/2c9789934fd58643014ff5c27a342701--video--BBC-ONE-CHARTER-SHOWCASE-2015-revised-HQ_flv_avc1_high.mp4" -y "secure/1500kbps/MP/2c9789934fd58643014ff5c27a342701--video--BBC-ONE-CHARTER-SHOWCASE-2015-revised-HQ_flv_avc1_high.mp4" -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -s "http://emp.bbci.co.uk/emp/SMPf/1.13.13/StandardMediaPlayerChromelessFlash.swf" -o "showreel.mp4"
Can you help me out? I tried getting a direct link to the mp4 cause i know sometimes there's a way but I wasn't able to find one either.
Hope you can help me
Thanks in advance.