I want to find the information of an RTMP service. But I can't. Using WireShark I can find the server path, and even security token, and using URL Snooper I can find out that the protocol is actually RTMPE.
Yet I'm unable to find the "file name". One that looks like "mp4:filename.mp4" for example.
The website address is:
Each link is a stream of a different channel.
The URL of the rtmp stream that I can find is:
rtmpe://edge5.iransima.ir/e-tv3?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9OS85LzIwMTUgNTo0Mz ozNyBBTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPW8yekpUMkV0aWp0Ykx5aWZBdll2 NlE9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9MTA=
But as you can see, it doesn't contain the file-name part. How can I find the file name?
Any help is highly appreciated.