I am trying to stream some sports at this site but look like it have token which I couldn't figure out. Can someone help? Thanks
Link I tried.
Might be offline now since event is over, but you can pick any of the live event from the that website and try.
Here is the info I got from trmpdump
Processing connect
app: zmliveme
flashVer: WIN 18,0,0,232
swfUrl: http://static.zoomtv.me/player/jwplayer.6.7.4.swf
tcUrl: rtmp://
pageUrl: http://www.zoomtv.me/embed.php?v=1dogma&vw=660&vh=450
Playpath: 4jsao38mvl
Saving as: 4jsao38mvl
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: presetname Custom
INFO: creationdate Fri Sep 04 16:21:00 2015
INFO: videodevice XSplitBroadcaster
INFO: framerate 20.00
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 360.00
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: avclevel 22.00
INFO: avcprofile 100.00
INFO: videodatarate 390.62
INFO: audiodevice VHAudioCustom
INFO: audiosamplerate 44100.00
INFO: audiochannels 2.00
INFO: audioinputvolume 100.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: audiodatarate 93.75
INFO: bufferSize 600k
INFO: maxBitrate 600k
INFO: xsplitBroadcasterVersion1.3.0.416
INFO: xsplitCoreVersion 2.3.1505.0542 Version 2.3
INFO: xsplitGameSourceVersion1.1.1.141
INFO: xsplitMediaLibVersion
INFO: pluginName CustomRTMP
INFO: pluginVersion 2.3.1505.0501
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
ERROR: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4043 bytes)
This is my syntax
rtmpdump.exe -v -r rtmp:// -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -y "4jsao38mvl" -W "http://static.zoomtv.me/player/jwplayer.6.7.4.swf" -p "http://www.zoomtv.me/embed.php?v=1dogma&vw=660&vh=450" -a "zmliveme" --quiet | "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"