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Old 08-31-2015, 03:15 AM
HorseTears HorseTears is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 12
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RTMPDump 2.4 No Longer Working? (Windows)

I'm very new to the RTMPDump world. And let me preface this by saying that I am not a professional (nor amateur) developer, coder, computer scientist or interactive designer, so feel free to dumb it down for me. And let me apologize in advance if I ask really obvious questions or misuse terminology.

So, last week I downloaded RTMPDump and the RTMPDump Helper from this very helpful page:

I was using it mainly for C@4 because Replay Media Catcher no longer works with C4. RTMP Dump worked well with the exception that anytime a cam refreshed (or if I accidentally closed the tab and restarted it), RTMP Dump would write over the original file with the exact same name. Stream-Recorder user "slim10" very kindly advised me to check out KSV's RTMPDump 2.4 (found here: ) and which apparently features a patch that adds a timestamp to the downloaded files to avoid automatically overwriting. Great! Except, I haven't been able to get RTMP Dump 2.4 to work once. When I launch RTMP Dump Helper (yes, located in the same folder as all of the RTMP Dump 2.4 files) it automatically executes rtmpsuck. The rtmpsuck black console window displays the following: "streaming on rtmp://". When I start a browser (Chrome, Firefox or IE) and launch a C@4 stream, nothing happens. The rtmpsuck black console window does not display any further text/code as though it hasn't even detected the stream. Then, when I go back to RTMP Dump Helper it lists "Failed to Attach" for each of the browsers. So, I use the F8 functionality to add each browser manually. However, this doesn't change anything. Nothing gets detected, nothing gets downloaded. Any clues as to what I might be doing wrong?

I'm on Windows 8.1 (for now)
Using the latest versions of Chrome, IE and Firefox

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