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Old 05-19-2014, 02:58 PM
Xyvia Xyvia is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
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Yet another newbie question (rtmpdump and chaturbate)


Same as most other members requesting help, i'm new on this forum and in the whole recording stuff.

I've been reading alot, but sadly, the more I read, the less I understand.
So here are a few questions, which I hope someone can answer:

-I'm trying to figure out how rtmpdump, but i'm unable to connect correctly on chaturbate (I'm getting a handshake error while trying) - I found an old command that i modified a bit (like flash version and such) but i'm guessing they changed their rtmpe address?

-Could someone possibly post a working cmd command that would work correctly?

- I read somewhere that it's possible to record private shows, however the post was written 2 years ago - Is this still possible to do?

-I heard they changed the password hash encoding, so I'm supposed to add "^" before every "$" and replace "\u003D" with "=" Is this still a thing?

Thank you in advance!
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