I have not used RTMPDump for a while and decided to give it another go. Last time, everything worked flawlessly (using RTMPDumpHelper). But now, for some reason, it stopped downloading audio and I do not know why.
The error message I get is "WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size 0" but when I check the packets in WireShark they are certainly not empty. The site I'm trying to record from is MFC and I do not quite understand the parameters RTMPDump uses to solve this myself.
The command looks a little something like this:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://video461.myfreecams.com:1935/NxServer"
-a "NxServer"
-f "WIN 16,0,0,305"
-W "http://www.myfreecams.com/mfc2/flash/MfcVideo150223.swf"
-p "http://www.myfreecams.com/mfc2/static/player.html?broadcaster_id=0&cache_id=1427783278&target=main"
-C N:93524796.000000
-C S:
-C N:106485247.000000
-C N:6485247.000000
-y "mp4:mfc_106485247.f4v"
-o "2015-04-02_01-05-08_mp4_mfc_106485247.flv"
Can anyone see a flaw? I'd be willing not to use RTMPDumpHelper but I do not quite understand how to determine the required parameters without it (especially the additional conndata).
Thanks in advance.