Hey, guys. I am trying to get RTMPE streaming urls from Flash on a site.
I examined the source of the swf file (attached!) and realized that the mechanism is as this:
1. SWF fetches the XML .../xmls/tiesraide/pirmais_baltijas_kanals.xml
<language code="lv">
<stream quality="hq">mp4:pirmais_baltijas_kanals_ru_hq.stream</stream>
<stream quality="lq">mp4:pirmais_baltijas_kanals_ru_lq.stream</stream>
2. Then it goes to the balancing server: stream, which returns another XML
3. Judging by the code, SWF establishes connection to "rtmpe://"
Although I couldn't find the exact URLs in Wireshark (you may see the log pic attached), the rtmpe link was confirmed when I took a dump Flash Player page and searched in HxD. So, at this moment I already have this rtmpe link, but the live stream is not downloaded still (neither with VLC, nor with
rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmpe://" -W "https://www.<site url>/static/m_player.swf" --live -o downl.mp4
Both ffmpeg and rtmpdump say:
Trying different position for server digest!
RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
I'm concerned that the RTMPE url is so simple. What did I do wrongly?