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Old 01-27-2015, 10:46 AM
ehurdler ehurdler is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: NY
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Please help to try and download from

I am trying to download a video from link The video does not require authentication to watch online. This is part of the History Channel in the USA. I am assuming that the issue I am having in downloading this video is with the "Akamai DRM".

Steps I have taken so far.

1. open link: to start viewing.

2. I wait and see the url pop up from "HDS Link Detector", I copy the link and paste into cmd window.

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest ",4,18,13,10,7,2,1,00.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1422374842~exp=1422385672~acl=/*~hmac=282c41bcc82fac9e0c80b38f59949422c55736fd3be40735264399d6eb8d65d9&g=BCNYYEKZBKMV&hdcore=3.0.3" --delete --auth "pvtoken=exp%3D9999999999%7Eacl%3D%252f%252a%7Edata%3D%21IIVIY4IRIPieWgEwup4O8K0h1IVDGLBZrxBiwJ/3rg8%3D%7Ehmac%3D5C9DE4CCBD49ABE0B4100CB658B767D643F4B5F9124A087AEA1304E436D80936&hdntl=exp=1422461275~acl=%2f*~data=hdntl~hmac=bb14430ef5796c3b32bdda738b255bae1d508c2fc6bf113a8921b690027edaff&als=0,3,NaN,6,0,NaN,0,0,0,87,f,0,5058.28,f,s,BCNYYEKZBKMV,3.0.3,87&hdcore=3.0.3" --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0"
3. The process starts and I get the following:
KSV Adobe HDS Downloader

Processing manifest info....
Quality Selection:
 Available: 1924 1421 1124 825 525 326 162
 Selected : 1924
Fragments Total: 843, First: 1, Start: 1, Parallel: 8
This stream is encrypted with Akamai DRM. Decryption of such streams isn't currently possible with this script.

4. I am able to view the manifest file in the console window in Firefox, I can see the segments flash by, the original key file, etc.

GET,4,18,13,10,7,2,1,00.mp4.csmil/key_AQAY5ejMzLoQpOq9x1TzvExFmIY29rZUevkzvghQvSOIb8PuL74A87Vww%2fS3eTe4xJy3DPY9 [HTTP/1.0 200 OK 108ms]


GET,4,18,13,10,7,2,1,00.mp4.csmil/key_AQAY5ejMzLoQpPC9x1SARfdIAmo3vAu8hCcbdQXDnzfuCznJTGUgRmNz9Kz6vULRlLS3V8bR [HTTP/1.0 200 OK 103ms]
5. I am able to download individual segments if I copy the full url into firefox and save. Example:
If i could sit and copy all 843 segments this way I would try.

6. I tried to use Adownloader to download the video but it says "Canal no soportado...Esperando una url valida" So the url isn't valid to download from I assume. If possibly there is a different embedded url I could use Adownloader with, I would love to try that.

I found the post About downloading from hotstar, so I am hoping downloading from in the USA is possible with Adownloader or even with ffmpeg or AdobeHDS?

Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
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