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Old 01-07-2015, 12:23 PM
Kii-lon Kii-lon is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 7
Kii-lon is on a distinguished road

Widevine aka wvm - Help, is there any way to decryt this streaming DRM media?

Hello, i'm making this thread to ask y'all for help on this
DRM that I need to know how to decrypt.

There's a site called icflix, it's an Arabian site filled with Arabian
movies and shows but also other shows as well, cartoons and such.
(Personally i've been trying to get Jelly Jamm if you're wondering.)

You can find the site here:

I highly recommend getting the app extension "Hola!", a free (and I mean it's free) VPN app that you can use to switch to many regions and works exceptional well including on netflix. If you get/have Hola! then switch your region to United Arab Emirates to be able to view all shows on the site. (As some are invisible/geo-blocked if you're outside the region)

The site is in English and I've already figured out how to download the trailers/previews as they're
...if I recall correctly...rtmp steams or such.

It's the full shows that i'm having trouble with, especially that they're all encrypted in widevine in .wvm files.

It requires an account to view some of the shows/movies (it's a free trial) and I figured out a way to download
the .wvm files directly as of last year in 2014.

I made this ol' text file back last year on how to get the files so here you go on that:

It's not the greatest explainable guide as I made it for myself but may it help you out well.
(If you need help on understanding something, just ask and i'll reply when I can!)

For months I've been searching and been stuck on trying to decrypt .wvm and know for sure that it requires some key to decrypt the files.
I never tried or know how to get said key but maybe y'all who knows more about stream ripping can figure this out?

Widevine is an un-explored territory when it comes to knowing how to decrypt it and I've been hoping
to find some way or someone who can help me with this but to no avail...

I don't know if i'm not allowed to do this and ask y'all for your help but I'm stuck, completely stuck on this!
Can anybody help figure out a way to break the code and rudimentary decrypt widevine?

If someone can, even if not working at the moment but was, capable of getting full
netflix streams then maybe it's possible with this.

Before I go, I have an special file I found sometime last year that's might be interesting to y'all.
I haven't been able to successfully build it myself but it's an special custom FFmpeg build by Samsung that
was made sometime back in 2009 or something.

It contains some code on Widevine and maybe you can figure out something with it? Here you go,
I uploaded them on Uppit/MEGA:

Uppit - Samsung's

MEGA - Samsung's

(If you want me to attach the file to the post, just tell me and i'll do so! ^-^)

I've talked about this FFmpeg custom build on this FFmpeg ticket about widevine support:

That is all and I hope, even if it takes many months/years, someone can help me or anyone out there on this.
Thanks for reading, stay well y'all.
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