hi to all. for some reason my rtmp streams from ibrod.com dont play anymore when i sniff them using urlhelper. they videos play fine on the website , and they used to play when i got all the address from urlhelper . but now they dont load . they are below , can someone check them for me please to see whats wrong. thank u !
rtmp://rtmp.zerocast.tv:1935/live playpath=rGCi7bg0Qxvs8q7Sl13l swfUrl=http://cdn.zerocast.tv/player.swf pageUrl=http://zerocast.tv/embed3.php?a=1&id=&width=580&height=400&autostart= true&strech=
and the other
rtmp://rtmp.zerocast.tv:1935/live<playpath>Ger61uLQ4fedzvjRjrB7 <swfUrl>
http://cdn.zerocast.tv/player.swf <pageUrl>