Hi all! I'm trying to catch one of the free streams of football-hd.com
Unfortunately it looks like - besides the wowza protection changing every 5 minutes - these rtmp streams have also a token parameter, which is obviously obfuscated...
Here is the structure of one of the free streams:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://free-tv.football-hd.com:1935/hdedge/" -a "hdedge/" -f "WIN 15,0,0,152" -W "https://football-hd.com/resources/player/jwplayer/jwplayer-6.10/jwplayer.flash.swf" -p "https://football-hd.com/?r=live-channel/25/2/True_Sport_HD4" -y "TRUEHD4_800?wmsAuthSign=[hash]" -T [obfuscated token] -o "test.flv"
Do anyone happen to know the obfuscated token value (T) ?
Also feel free to pm it, if you like.
Thanks in advance!