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Old 08-08-2006, 04:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Save a live streaming web cam to a video (.avi, etc.)


I have a question. I wondered if anyone knows how I can save a live streaming webcam as a video (.avi etc) file.

What I want is a link to play that stream when its opened up. Rather then a recording of that stream.

I have experimented myself but I am having a few problems with the links.

Cameras which use .jpg images do not seem to work as they don't update themselves apart from the first time you run them. If there is a way to get the player to update the image every few seconds then it might work.

I have used Quicktimes Reference movie maker to try and use the URL but when played Quicktime never recognises the file.

My main goal is to just beable to play a live webcam through MSN as my own. I'm using SplitCam and I can play a movie file through it and it works okay. Its not a huge deal but I started it and I'd like to get it working.

I wasn't sure if to post this in the Webcam forum as its not to do with actual recording. Feel free to move it though.

Thanks for any help.

Take Care
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