I have been using
Orbit for over a year to record Yahoo Music videos. The last time I used it was in May. Now it does not download those videos.
I also used
Orbit to download videos from The Philadelphia Eagles site and I can no longer do this either.
There was a Windows update a few days after my last download, so I tried uninstalling it but I still could not download.
I tried
WM Recorder and it would not recognize the URL.
I tried
FLV Recorder and got a file with .@@@. I could not convert it to any video file. I tired changing the suffix to avi, flv, wmv, asf.
All of the recorders work on some other sites.
I have a
packet sniffer and I am able to get a URL but I think there must be a redierct.
Here is a link for a video I got from Grab+++: