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Old 08-06-2014, 08:40 PM
HorseTears HorseTears is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 12
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Anyone having playback issue on C4 downloads?

Okay, so here's the situation:
  • I use Replay Media Catcher 4 (latest version available) to download streams from Cam4.
  • I used to use VLC Media Player to watch the downloads (automatically saved as FLV files by Replay Media Catcher 4).
  • A couple of mos ago, VLC Media Player stopped being able to play the audio on any of the downloads - just the video. No problem there. I just switched to viewing the videos downloads on RealPlayer or Media Player Classic, both of which could play the files with both the video and the audio.
  • Then, 2-3 weeks ago, something weird started happening. Whenever I would open a newly downloaded FLV capture from C4, within 20-30 seconds of starting, the video would suddenly start "fast-forwarding" and then slowing down to regular speed and "fast forwarding" several times until the audio was completely out of sync with the video and the video rarely played at normal speed. This happened on both RealPlayer and Media Player Classic and Windows Media Player. This weird stop-and-start speeding up was NOT happening on VLC Media Player, but the sound was still not playing on that one.

  1. Any idea what's causing this weird start/stop fast-forwarding thing when playing back the downloads?
  2. Anything I can do to fix it via Replay Media Catcher 4 settings and/or the settings of RealPlayer or Media Player Classic?
  3. If not, any alternatives you'd recommend?

Should note: when downloading C'bate vids using TubeDigger (which does not work for C4) this issue is not present. It only happens when downloading C4 streams w/ Replay Media Catcher.
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