I'm new to this site and I'm trying to grab the video located at:
I've found the rtmp path and tried to use rtmpdump:
rtmpdump -r rtmp://cp50792.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mp4:aka/vod/me_kulturonline/2014/05/me_kulturonline_20140521_085703_v_webcast_h264_q60 .mp4 -a ondemand -p
http://www.srf.ch/player/tv/kultur/v...2-e289fce5f725 -o elp7.flv
I receive this message:
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
I haven't found any guides on this site on how to handle srf.ch streams, any help would be appreciated, thanks!