I have been trying to download from the WWE Network and i have been successful when using rtmpdumhelper. The problem is, when i use this it auto downloads the 3000k version of the stream, not the 4500k version i know exists. Obviously i would hope to download the better quality stream in this case.
So i look at what rtmpsrv shows when it sees the 3000k stream given i believe from other programs i have used that the filenames for the different streams are virtually identical asidefrom the number. So in theory, replacing the "3000k" with "4500k" may well capture the right stream. I haven't been able to test this theory yet however as when i take the following from rtmpsrv (to test download the 3000k stream prior to altering anything) and create a batch file using the following exactly i get nothing but multiple error messages.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://
mfv=1.6&aifp=v0004&auth=da.aza2c1cdd_d.bQbudgdzald fcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFrqxlEtEqn
ECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/03&ct5=1
2-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=488575&ct4=ww
e&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -a "ondemand/?_fcs_vhost=cp271756.edgefc
s.net&akmfv=1.6&aifp=v0004&auth=da.aza2c1cdd_d.bQb udgdzaldfcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFr
qxlEtEqnECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/
03&ct5=12-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=48857
5&ct4=wwe&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -f "WIN 12,0,0,77" -W "http://ui
.bamstatic.com/fedapp/video/flash/fvp/wwenetwork/1.0.1/fvp.swf" -p "http://netwo
rk.wwe.com/video/v31790627" -C B:0 -y "mp4:secure/wwe/2014/04/03/wwe_31790627_30
00K.mp4?aifp=v0004&auth=da.aza2c1cdd_d.bQbudgdzald fcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFrqxlEtEqn
ECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/03&ct5=1
2-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=488575&ct4=ww
e&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -o wwe_31790627_3000K.flv
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.