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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Burning CD, DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD
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Old 06-24-2008, 01:03 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Making DVD from Transport stream (.ts) from both SD and HD recordings

HDTVtoDVD can be used to make DVDs from both HD and SD transport stream recordings and preserving the original Dolby Digital audio stream.

The flow is very easy with this tool since it automates both the re-encoding to DVD as well as DVD VOB file creation. Note that the tool also generates a DVD-compatible .mpg file in case you like to use your own DVD authoring tool.

NOTE: You can optionally first use HDTVtoMPEG2 program to edit out commercials from your original .ts file. If you do so make sure that you have HDTVtoMPEG2 output Transport Stream since HDTV2DVD requires transport stream files as input.

Making DVD from Transport stream (.ts) from both SD and HD recordings
  1. Start the program
  2. Drag your transport stream (.ts) file into the bottom Assets pane
  3. Drag the file from Assets pane to the top left Layout pane
  4. Click on the Auto Fit icon to make sure the encoding can fit within a single DVD
  5. Click on the DVD icon on top left of the window
  6. HDTV2DVD automatically produces both a DVD compatible mpeg2 program stream (.mpg) file and a folder with AUDIO_TS/VIDEO_TS folders that can be burned directly to a DVD.
  7. If you want to produce a DVD with menus, etc. you can use the .mpg file created by HDTV2DVD as input and good authoring programs will know not to re-encode again.
For $20 you can also get SVCD2DVD which is the full-featured version of HDTV2DVD which allows multiple titles with menus.
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