Automating FLV downloads
Right, this looks like a good place to ask.
I need to be able to archive a bunch of Flash videos at a time. I have the SWF URLs, and putting one of those into Rtmp Explorer works nicely. The problem is, I need to automate the process instead of requiring the user to manually feed the URLs to a GUI front-end one by one, plus I need to control where the output is saved.
rtmpdump itself, of course, can be called from the command line, and the Rtmp Explorer output gives me a good idea of how. The problem is one required parameter: the playpath, -y "mp4:media/blahblahblah.mp4". I haven't figured out how to automatically obtain this, though I assume rtmpsrv and/or rtmpsuck can do it.
Unfortunately, the documentation is a bit lacking. Hence, my coming here. How do I get the required rtmpdump parameters given an SWF URL?