Hi guys,
I'm trying to capture an HLS stream using ffmpeg, though it doesn't seem to work. Here is the link to the video:
http://multishow.globo.com/circuitob...ivo/cobertura/ You might need a proxy to access the page, I am using one too. Here is the command that I am using:
HTML Code:
ffmpeg -i "http://live.hls.globo.com/msw1a/msw1a_264/msw1a_1384024792770_1384024792770_3227.ts" -c copy john.ts
And here is the error that I am getting:
HTML Code:
HTTP error 403 Forbidden
http://live.hls.globo.com/msw1a/msw1a_264/msw1a_1384024792770_1384024792770_3227.ts: Input/output error
What am I doing wrong? I am using the latest version of ffmpeg. Weirdly enough, HiDownload is able to download the stream, but I'd rather use ffmpeg, since it returns a single .ts file.